Forbidden Knight

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Book: Forbidden Knight Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jecca Bartlett
didn't know what he liked, but it damn sure wasn't having a babysitter. On the other hand hitting on her and making her uncomfortable was fun. Except it seemed to have made him uncomfortable too. He shifted again, trying to rearrange his hard-on inside his jeans.

    She waltzed back to the table and set down the pitcher, "Come on boys, he can't drink this all by himself you know," she said to the other players, several of whom pushed past him toward the pitcher to refill their glasses.  

    "Be right back," she patted him on the arm and headed for the old fashioned jukebox with a handful of coins.  

    He watched her walk away and wondered what had just happened here. He didn't want to start a fight, he didn't want her bossing him around, and he most definitely didn't want to be watching her ass and wanting to grab it. Definitely not grabbing it. This is what happened when the coach insisted on no sex before he knew it he was having daydreams about women he was pretty sure he didn't even like.

    Although he was getting kind of fond of that smile again after all these years. Shit! There it was again, he shook his head, he needed to get laid and get Eva off his mind. She had made sure that wasn't happening tonight, though!

    Justus turned to the waist high bar table and sipped his beer. He was going to slow it down. But not because she said so. He had been planning to take it easy anyway. It had nothing to do with her. He was almost convinced.  

    Eva glanced at the panel on the jukebox and made her selections. She knew he was watching her and she thanked her lucky stars for all the skating she had done as a kid, and all the hip thrusters she had done in the last 6 months. That Brett the butt guy knew what he was talking about when it came to firming up your ass. She was pretty proud of her butt. She felt like Justus was enjoying it too.

    She ran her fingernail down the selections and punched the buttons. So old-fashioned, this jukebox that took quarters, but kind of cool. Eva turned to head back to the table where Justus was as the music started. She reached for his hand and tugged him toward her, pulling him to his feet.

    Justus tried to beg off, he pulled back toward the table, but she wasn't having it. Lainey was circling like a shark and he didn't want to end up with her either. Ungraciously he headed toward the dance floor. Might as well go for it, no sense in making a scene. Not yet anyway.

    She'd had no idea the guy could dance, but damn if he couldn't. Justus took her hand and started to boot-scoot boogie, spinning her this way and that. It was all she could do to keep up, but she managed. Other people joined them, crowding the little bar floor, and some stood back and watched. She felt like Cinderella at the ball, with him twirling her left, then right, stepping behind her and putting his hand at her hip. He leaned in as they quick stepped around the floor, and she smelled his cologne, and beer and fresh clean laundry scent, and she was dizzy with it. Or maybe it was the dancing?  

    At the end, he finished by setting her on his knee with a flourish and some people clapped. She turned to him with a big smile on her face.  

    "Thank you. You learned a few things since you were 16."

    "No problem, darlin'. And yes, yes I have," he winked.   "You ready for another beer?"

    "I hate to do this, but we need to get back on the bus. Really. I thought we should dance so it wouldn't look so much like your new fiancee dragged you out by your leash, but that's exactly what I'm here to do."

    She saw a shadow pass momentarily over his eyes and caught herself. She hadn't meant to imply that she was only there to babysit.

    "It was fun, really, it's just, we need to get back."

    "Right, right you are," he said as he drained his beer and took her arm to leave.  

    He was all business now, and she felt bad about that. It had been some unexpected fun. But she had a job to do and she was damned if him being hot as hell, and bad
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