make pretty good walnut
chocolate chip cookies though. “
“Isabel is a fantastic cook. She loves
cooking for me and Max and I know she will be thrilled to have
another woman around to talk to. That is, if you and Cody decide to
stick around.”
Catherine smiled at him and finished her
second helping of stew. “At least let me help you clean up here.”
Catherine offered.
“No need, just putting the bowls into the
dishwasher and leaving the stew on low for when I bring Max and
Isabel home. “
“Thank you so much for everything,
The ride back to the hill seemed much
shorter than the ride to the house, but that might have been
because she was so in awe of what was in front of them. Catherine
could honestly say that she had never seen such a welcoming, and
yet such a mysterious, place in her entire life. Sebastian said his
goodbyes and as Catherine and Cody walked towards their hotel,
Sebastian walked towards the school. Catherine turned around to
steal a look at Sebastian and was flustered when he also turned,
catching her looking at him. He smiled and waved.
“Sebastian is really a nice guy, isn’t he
mom?” Cody said, waving at Sebastian. “He certainly seems nice.”
Catherine agreed.
Chapter 5
Once Cody and Catherine got back into the
hotel room, Catherine kicked off her shoes and plopped herself onto
the bed.
“Oh Cody, we have so much to think about! Do
you think we really should just stay here to live? You think this
is something we can actually pull off?”
“I vote yes! Our apartment building does not
even have any room to play, just that ole parking lot and there are
no other kids there that go to my school either. I liked Mrs. Roans
when she used to come babysit me, but she is kinda old to play with
and besides, since I go to Latch Key, I never get to see her
anymore. Wouldn’t you rather work in a chocolate shop than for Mr.
Dobbs, mom?”
No brainer! Out loud Catherine said.
“We would have to go back home and get our clothes, Cody, I didn’t
pack much more than we would need for the weekend that we were
originally going to stay.”
“We have clothes mom, in the car!”
“What clothes? In our car?”
“Yeah, remember, you were telling me about a
walk-about in Australia and I figured if we were going to Australia
that we would need a whole lot of clothes, so I stuffed a big
garbage bag with all of our clothes, or at least most of them.”
“I never said that we were going to
Australia, Cody, where did you get that idea from?”
“You said that people in Australia go on
walk-about for vacations and I knew Australia is far away.
“So, you really have our clothes in the car,
“I really do, mom.”
“What do you say, should we go swimming one
last time here in the hotel?”
“Sounds good to me, mom, I even promise no
more running around it too!!”
Catherine heard her cell phone ringing in her
purse when they opened their hotel room door after being at the
pool. “Darn it, missed the call.” Checking her messages, she saw
that she had one from her Uncle John.
“Hi Catherine, its Uncle John. I hope you and
Cody are enjoying your trip. I have some bad news. Several of the
apartments caught on fire one night when it stormed, lightening hit
it. I am afraid yours was one of them. We had renters insurance and
since I co-signed for the apartment, the insurance company let me
file the claim on your behalf. I don’t know if this will cover your
losses or not, but they are depositing a check for $20,000 in your
account next Wednesday. I hope you don’t mind, but I kept the
security deposit we got back. I was the one who paid it when you
moved in.
I have decided to move in with my girlfriend
Jean and we are heading out to California tomorrow. Sorry I
couldn’t stick around to say goodbye to you and Cody. You are more
than welcome to use the trailer as long as you want to, you can
have it in fact. I hope you don’t see this as me taking off on