The Sword of Ages: The Mage Breaker Book 1

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Book: The Sword of Ages: The Mage Breaker Book 1 Read Online Free PDF
Author: A.L. Issett
great sword. “This was made for the king’s guards, the person who made it was cut down during the last days of the war. I used this sword and it brought me home safe to you, Mary and your Ma. You are going to have to get a scabbard made for it” Diamond said as he pulled out a small bag of coins. “It’s all I have to spare son”.
                  “Well I can make your life a little easier” Tanner said as he tried to break up the grim mood. “At my house in my smoke shed I have enough meat to last me until next spring easily. Now it’s all smoked but it should last you a while. I also have the last of my skins hanging out and they are also yours, you don’t owe me nothing but please keep an eye out for the rest of my stuff. I would hate to have to come back a war hero only to slaughter some lad for trying to take me things”.
                  “I will boy” said Diamond as Tanner could tell the old man was barely holding it together.
                  “And don’t let Mary run off with some other lad either” Tanner said smiling. “Give me at least three years and assume I am alive, someone has to look out for the Blessed One, I doubt that chin could stop an arrow no matter how square that thing is”.
                  Tanner smiled as his quip about Mary had stunned them into silence. Even Diamond seemed a little taken aback at first but slowly a smile crept to his face as Mary walked out with two plates piled high with food. Tanner and Golden ate quickly; men were out in the streets yelling that it was close to the time of movement. The meal lasted far too short for Tanner’s taste, he could have hid in Golden’s house all year and told the king to sod off, but knew he would get caught one way or another.  Tanner and Golden got to their feet as one and started saying their good byes, giving and getting hugs before they walked out the door. Mary seemed a little reserved, at first Tanner thought Golden had told him wrong but could see the girl was blushing profusely. With a sigh the two friend climbed on their horses and began to gather at the meeting place.
                  When Golden and Tanner arrived he they were amazed, the Baronet’s men, whom they were sure were not joining the army since they had wives had the men arrayed neatly. Those with horses were upfront, which wasn’t a lot of people since horses were damned expensive, including Tanner and Golden there was only about 10 cavalry. There still had to be at least 60 men in neat rows five abreast behind the cavalry, as Tanner had gotten near he could see each man had a blue sash of some kind draped across their clothing. The Baronet must have had these things for years though why he would think to need them again was beyond Tanner. Tanner was ushered up front where a guardsman gave him his own sash and told him and Golden to put it on. Before long Tanner spotted Todd Greenley along with his damn cousins riding war chargers, the three best horses the Baronet had Tanner was sure. They were all dressed like nobles, fine silk shirts with fancy leather riding pants. Todd took his place at the front of the formation while his cousins flanked him, each holding up a war banner proudly displaying the Greenley coat of arms. Tanner hated to admit it but Greenley as fat as he was looked the part of a leader, his presence had sent a noticeable calm over everyone as Todd turned around and addressed everyone.
                  “We all know what we are here for and what we must do, pretend you are of higher birth and follow my lead” Todd said sounding like the twit Tanner knew he was, so long for calming effects. “Those of you on horseback are to be my personal guard until we reach Daum and get sorted. I hope you all brought supplies because you will be getting none of mine”.
                  Tanner shook his head as the fat noble turned around and began the trip towards
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