Tantric Orgasm for Women
hormonal information given to the body.
    These glands, particulary the pituitary and pineal glands, themselves produce our sexual expression. 2 (At high levels of hormonal purification, the body will even release perfumed fragrances.) The pituitary gland islocated between the eyebrows, above the nasal cavity. It is the master endocrine control gland regulating growth, gonadal
function, the adrenals, and the thyroid. This gland is said to govern the
forebrain, vision, and the right eye, as well as being the seat of love,
compassion, knowledge, love of humanity, and devotion. It is also involved in
intelligence and conceptual memory, which we use in reading, thinking, and
studying. Close by is the pineal gland, located toward the crown of the head
above the midbrain; its functions are related to sensitivity and to the sexual
cycle. The pineal gland governs the hindbrain, hearing, body rhythms,
equilibrium, and the perception of light through eyes and skin.
    Given all of these functions that we take for granted, it becomes obvious that feeding and nourishing these master glands with our sexual energy—our life force—is bound to be to our distinct advantage.
    When energy spirals upward it produces a vitality that radiates from the whole being. One feels cellularly drenched with contentment, love, and peace. Sex experienced in this way is empowering. Energy is not released; it is produced, strengthening the immune system and enhancing
all kinds of creativity. An individual can extend her life by producing this generative energy rather than simply duplicating it, as is possible through the downward-moving expression of reproduction. Nature gives us sex so that we may have the opportunity to transcend the limits of our physical boundaries, to float as filaments of vibrating light and love. The experience of generative sex keeps a person youthful, adventurous, and responsive to whatever life brings.
    It seems incredible to realize that the spiritual realm of orgasm—the most fulfilling gift human beings possess—remains unexplored during an age in which humankind has penetrated outer realms with its increasingly sophisticated technology. In spite of all of our technological know-how, we find ourselves stumbling around in the sexual arena, tethered by ignorance and by complacency. We assume that simply by virtue of being a woman or a man, we will automatically know everything about the sex act.
    How then is it that woman knows so little about her body and her sexual potential? Perhaps at some time in the past this knowledge was deliberately kept secret from her, making her a more compliant slave to theappeasement of mans’ appetites. But it comes as no surprise to women that modern men are even less informed than women about women’s bodies—or, for that matter, about their own bodies. Women have a longstanding affinity with intuitive knowledge—commonly referred to as “women’s intuition”—which most men are less able to access as the truth residing within their bodies. By looking (and feeling) within, women need to take the lead in making a place for generative sexuality, and for the love that follows.
    In the absence of a woman’s cooperation in sex, the divinity of the sex act is near impossible to encounter. Generations of insensitive handling and abuse of women by men has led to situations in which sex, to a lesser or greater degree, is lovelessly imposed upon women. When a man repeatedly enters a woman’s body before she is really prepared for penetration, the woman will feel turned off to sex. A certain repulsion may even begin to set in. In time, many a woman will close down physically, eventually turning away from sex if possible. When unable to avoid it, she becomes a master at submitting, enduring the minutes prior to ejaculation. Once she becomes resigned to lack of satisfaction in sex, woman can actually feel grateful for premature ejaculation in the knowledge that everything will soon be
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