Tantric Orgasm for Women
contrast, if you were to enter a room that had a feeling of spacious emptiness enhanced by just a few essential furnishings, where the sound of a flute hung suspended in air that was fragrant with sensuality, such an environment would exude peace and tranquillity.
Rather than inspiring tension, it would inspire a sensation of inner space,
expansion, a feeling of coming home. The embracing atmosphere, the absence of
external pressures, and the open space would give rise to an inner relaxation. As harmony and serenity descended upon you, you would probably take a deep breath and arrive fully in your body.
    Now consider the event of male penetration into the female body. Just as the environment in a room has a profound effect upon the human psyche, the ambience within the female body can, and does, have a transforming effect upon man. It is extremely influential. Man is utterly affected by woman and yet he is ignorant of the extent to which this is so. Through intentionally creating a serene, receptive internal environment a woman can prolong the sex act. She can help man to delay, and even to avoid, ejaculation.
    The real sadness, though, is that woman remains as unaware of hertrue capacity as man does. Not knowing how to tap into it, she too fails to experience her intrinsic power, leaving her deeper realms of female sexuality unexplored. Understanding the real nature of female sexual expression can reunite woman with her god- and goddess-given power. When woman enters the sexual act within her female element, sexual fulfillment and love will be the natural consequence. Every woman possesses this natural ability to transform lovemaking into a wholly satisfying and spiritually transcendent experience. All women need is useful information on how to go about it.
    Tantric Inspiration
    Orgasm is a state where your body is no more felt as matter; it vibrates like energy, electricity. It vibrates so deeply, from the very foundation, that you completely forget that it is a material thing. It becomes an electric phenomenon—and it is an electric phenomenon.
    Now physicists say that there is no matter, that all matter is only appearance; deep down, that which exists is electricity, not matter. In orgasm, you come to this deepest layer of your body where matter no more exists, just energy waves; you become a dancing energy, vibrating. No more any boundaries to you—pulsating, but no more substantial. And your beloved also pulsates.
    And by and by, if they love each other and they surrender to each other, they
surrender to this moment of pulsation, of vibration, of being energy, and they
are not scared. . . . Because it is deathlike when the body loses boundaries,
when the body becomes like a vaporous thing, when the body evaporates
substantially and only energy is left, a very subtle rhythm, but you find
yourself as if you are not. Only in deep love can one move into it. Love is like
death: you die as far your material image is concerned, you die as far as you think you are a body; you die as a body and you evolve as energy, vital energy.
    And when the wife and the husband, or the lovers, or the partners, start vibrating in a rhythm, the beats of their hearts and bodies come together, it becomes a harmony—then orgasm happens, then they are two no more. That is the symbol of yin and yang; yin moving into yang, yang moving into yin; the man moving into the woman, the woman moving into the man.
    Now they are a circle, and they vibrate together, they pulsate together. Their hearts are no longer separate, their beats are no longer separate; they have become a melody, a harmony. It is the greatest music possible; all other musics are just faint things compared to it, shadow things compared to it.
    Awareness and Sensitivity Preparation
Developing Soft Vision
    To help your energy (which usually moves outward) to fall back in upon your own heart, it is helpful
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