Taken by the Dragon King
right wrongs,” Bello answers shamefully.
    Izor looks at the Cat sadly before continuing, “The Fae have twisted our history to the point that now most people believe they naturally have access to the magic below the earth and they graciously share with the rest of us. What we wish more than anything is to be able to live Uptop again with magic that is uncorrupted. We hope today to show you proof of loyalty and forge our own alliance with you now. We think we have a way...”
    “An alliance?” Ash spits out venomously. “I am the Heir to this Kingdom! You have no right to forge an alliance with me.” I wiggle my fingers to try to bring his attention back to me. I don’t know what will happen if he loses control in here, but it can’t be good. “You are under the assumption that I am like my father. I didn’t ask for your help. I owe you nothing!” Ash throws his hands up in frustration. The council members look abashed and grumble uncomfortably. They must’ve expected him to react differently.
    Izor raises his hand to order silence before going on. “Asher, you have every right to be angry, but you must understand the risk we have taken by helping you. This is our only chance at gaining freedom for ourselves, but most likely for you as well.”
    “Explain yourself old man,” Ash snarls.
    “The original spell that trapped you,” Izor answers promptly, “While it is weak enough to have allowed you to escape, until it is fully lifted you are in danger of being thrown back into it. We know that if the spell was fully broken you would have gained control instantaneously and we would have felt it. The binding on you is acting as a curse. If you do not do something to lift it before the Renewal Day Celebration, the Fae will become stronger than ever.”
    “Renewal Celebration? What is that?” Ash asks, his interest piqued. He sounds exasperated. I can only imagine how he’s feeling right now. All of this information is overwhelming to me and I’m only a small part of this whole thing!
    Georgia answers without hesitation, “The Fae have fooled Undergrounders into thinking that it’s a renewal of the spells that allow us to live below the surface and share the magic with them. To some degree that is true, but what they don’t understand is that they are in fact renewing the original spell that binds you. They don’t realize that the caverns and catacombs they call home are more of a prison than a haven. All of the Magicfolk will combine their power together and the binding will be even stronger than it once was. They have turned something that is most vile into a glamorous event. Central Underground will be swarming on the day of the celebration with hundreds of thousands of beings. To them it’s one big party.”
    I shudder, thinking of how I imagined coming up with a beautiful glamour for Renewal Day. All those witches who are worrying about beads and baubles have no clue. I can’t believe I would have doomed Ash without even knowing about it! I grab his hand to try and placate my mind and my guilt. He looks at me with tenderness and I give him my best reassuring smile. We are going to figure this out. I won’t let him go back to that awful place. This council is going to help him.
    She continues, “The work that we have done together, as the 77th council, has been mainly to find a way to defeat the Fae without directly attacking them. We believe there may be a way.” At this she turns to me. “Melinda, you are more crucial in all this than you know.”

Chapter Five
    “You are a Fire Witch my dear,” Georgia informs me with a smirk on her face.
    “What is a Fire Witch?” I ask dubiously. In all my training and schooling I’ve never heard it used before. I wonder if it’s some kind of joke like a stump witch, insulting for when you want to laugh at someone’s inability to perform traditional witchcraft. I’ve definitely heard that one a few times. Go figure.
    “We’re not really sure
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