Taken by the Dragon King
how Fire Magic works,” Georgia admits, seemingly taking control of the meeting. All of the others watch hesitantly. I suppose Witch magic is her specialty. Who better to explain it than a witch?
    “We think that as the Fae came into power, they threw us back into an age of Earth magic. Fire magic was incredibly rare before we came to rely on the Dragons. A new age, perhaps the Age of Fire, is coming to be.  For this reason, we have you and some others with a more… unique kind of magic.” She smiles warmly at me before continuing. “As the witch that was prophesied to bring about the unraveling of this mess, we suspect that your own abilities and power are much higher than the others that we have managed to find.”
    “Others?” I suppose she means the other candidates. Great.
    “Oh yes. I believe you’ve already met Ruby.” As she says this Ruby walks up onto the platform followed closely by at least a half dozen other women. I can see that they are all shapes and sizes, but we share one obvious common feature. Each of these women have different shades of red hair! I see strawberry blonde and even a deep maroon. “These are the other women we were watching and guarding as their magic is also ‘broken’ like yours. There are more of them, but these are the strongest.” I feel their eyes on me watching, evaluating. Not all of them look friendly. “They’re your new coven.” Georgia says without batting an eye.
    “Wait!” I say trying to understand. “A coven? I don’t understand, why would I need a coven?”
    “You, my dear, are going to act as a conduit. We think that your Fire Magic have been overlooked because it wasn’t a part of their original Fae spell. Hopefully, it won’t recognize you and limit your power as it does when we cast.” She looks at the assembled women with pity. “We imagine that your magic is more aligned with the Dragons, that’s why it’s currently ‘broken’. With Asher in power, these women will most likely be the most powerful mages we have today.” Turning back to me with a serious expression she persists, “Working together, your coven will feed you their power, which you will then channel into Asher. Once enough magic is channeled into him the spell will break, recognize him, and attempt to realign itself with its natural path, the Dragons.”
    Geez, that sounds a little complicated. I just figured out how to put books back on the shelves, this might be a little over my head.
    “No,” Asher says firmly. “Absolutely not, it’s too dangerous! She’s barely comfortable with using magic as it is, she can’t do this.”
    My rage flares. It’s what I’ve heard my whole life. Don’t even try. You’re not strong enough for this spell. She’s barely a witch, she can’t do it. I thought Ash believed in me! He was just telling me that I need to act like I’m more important. What can be more important than this? I can’t let Ash go back into that trap. I can’t stand to lose him again. The council seems to think I can do this. I’m not quite a sure, but I have to!
    “No Melinda,” Ash says, looking at me like he can read my mind. Melinda? What happened to my cute little nickname Lindy? My blood boils with rage. He sounds just like my father. I ball my fists to keep from slapping him.
    “This is really up to her, Your Majesty,” Georgia intervenes, seeing my rage and taking advantage of the moment.
    “I’m doing this,” I say purposefully not making eye contact with Ash. “I am going to try at the very least.”
    “No, you aren’t,” Ash snaps. “End of discussion.”
    “Try to stop me, Asher,” I shoot back.
    “Is that a challenge? Because I most certainly can.”
    “Well, you’ll regret it,” I say, my lips trembling. Asher lets out an exasperated sigh, but his eyes are worried. “I’m staying here. What do I need to do?”
    “For casting this spell you will need to set up a power circle. We only have 6, plus you, that’s 7. Not quite a
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