Taken by the Dragon King
full coven, but still a powerful number. The three most capable will need to stand closer, forming a triangle around you and Asher in the center.” She points to three spots on the stone floor and three of the women come stand. Now that I have a closer vantage, I can see my cousin Delilah with the three who’ve been chosen.
    “And how could I have forgotten, you naturally know your own cousin.” Georgia laughs and puts a hand on her shoulder. Delilah smiles at her and it makes me want to punch her in the face! She turns to me and glares intensely with shrewd olive green eyes. Her upturned lip tells me she’s probably not happy being here either. My mind races as I think of all the crap she’s thrown at me over the years. I can’t believe she’s here.
    The last time I saw her she was with her big group of bitchy friends in the library making fun of me. The only thing I’m supposed to be good at and one of my shitty family members has to be here to witness. What if she tells my father? He could ruin this whole operation! Thousands of years of work down the drain. I am just going to have to ignore her and talk to Georgia later. The only problem is that I don’t know what to say. This girl is not trustworthy. She’s probably working for my father. She’s going to ruin all of this. You should fire her! Can you fire someone from a coven?
    My mind won’t stop racing! Ruby comes over and gives me a quick hug, interrupting my musings of throwing Delilah off this platform. I sigh in relief. Having Ruby amongst the first three gives me some confidence. Thank the stars she’s going to be close. She smiles encouragingly like we are old friends. I hope that we are someday.
    The other woman huskily introduces herself. “I’m Cadence,” she says, sticking out an oversized hand to shake. To say she’s taller than me would be an understatement. She’s got to be at least six feet! This woman could crush me with her bare hands! Her face flashes red as I take her in, revealing a much gentler side of her. Her shy smile and firm handshake are oddly comforting. Her large hands engulf my own and hide the fact that they are quivering.
    Georgia moves to the remaining women. “The other 3 will stand at the outer edges here, here, and here.” She points at the floor once more. The other women move quickly into their positions.
    The spell she gives me is in a strange language. It takes more than a few tries to master. Repeating the phrase over and over in my head helps commit it to memory and boosts my focus. Georgia explains how to seek out and feel my coven’s magic. Each individual will feel different but I should be able to pull from each without much trouble. Once I have locked in on each energy, I will add my own and then release the spell by speaking it aloud.
    “Asher, you will need to stand in the middle with Melinda. It will probably help if you have physical contact. It should make it easier for her to pass the power along to you.”
    The rest of the council stands off to the side. Watching and waiting. The excitement in the air is palpable.
    Ash joins me in the center. He leans in and whispers. “I don’t want you to get hurt. Please Lindy, you don’t have to do this.”
    “Oh you’re calling me Lindy again?” I say with vehemence and instantly regretting it. “I’m going to do this Ash. You told me to stand up for myself and that’s what I’m doing.”
    “ Fine ,” he snaps, grabbing my hands. “But if this backfires I’m-”
    “We’re in place. Let’s begin,” Georgia interrupts.
    Finally locking eyes with Ash, I can see that he’s completely pissed. After all these years together I recognize a tinge of fear as well. Why is he so afraid? Does he think this isn’t going to work? Is it because of me? Our hands remain locked and we face each other. I close my eyes, trying to push away the doubt, and reach out with my mind. Starting with the outer circle I find each woman’s individual energy shining
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