Catch Me a Cowboy

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Book: Catch Me a Cowboy Read Online Free PDF
Author: Katie Lane
defiant redheaded imp that stared back at him caused Billy’s temper to cool, although he refused to let the struggling kid go.
    “You better let me go!” the boy yelled. “’Cause if you don’t, you’ll be sorry. My daddy is the sheriff of this town. And when he finds out you’ve been threatenin’ me, he’ll shoot you dead.”
    “Considering Sheriff Winslow doesn’t carry a loaded gun, I’m not real scared,” Billy stated. “Besides, who was threatening whom?”
    The kid stopped struggling and glanced down at the gun in the waistband of Billy’s jeans. “Then what are you doing with that?”
    “I was planning on using it on a psycho killer who likes to scare women with his chainsaw. Seen any of them around?”
    The kid’s brown eyes didn’t even flicker. “Nope, I sure ain’t.”
    Billy chuckled before he released the kid. “So what’s your name, son?”
    “I ain’t allowed to talk to strangers,” he said sullenly.
    Billy shrugged. “Then maybe I should get Sheriff Winslow out here, after all. I’m sure you’ll have no problem explaining yourself to your daddy.”
    “Jesse,” the kid said in his belligerent tone.
    “Nice to meet you, Jesse.” Billy stuck out a hand. “I’m your neighbor, Billy Wilkes. ’Course most folks call me Bubba.”
    The boy’s eyes widened. “You’re Bubba? You sure? Because the Bubba I heard about sounded a lot younger—and a lot more fun.”
    Billy scowled. “I’m not in my grave yet. And as for fun, I’m always in a better humor when I’m not being threatened.” He glanced down at the chainsaw. “You do realize that doesn’t have a chain, don’t you, son?”
    “Mia won’t let me have one with a chain,” he groused. “She thinks it’s too dangerous.”
    “Is Mia your mama?”
    “Nope, my sister.” Jesse shot a quick glance behind him before he lowered his voice. “But she acts like my mama, always harpin’ at me for one thing or another. Geez, a guy can’t even catch a break.”
    It was hard to stay mad at such a sassy kid, and Billy found himself smiling. “So I guess you live around here?”
    “A couple over. You gonna be livin’ next door for good?”
    “No.” The word came out a little too fast, and Billy backpedaled. “I’m just here for a little fishin’ and huntin’, is all.” He looked back at the Chevy and the child who still watched him through the cracked window. “You know that kid?”
    “That’s my little brother, Brody. I’m babysitting him while my sister went into town.”
    Unless it directly affected him, Billy believed in staying out of other people’s business. Still, he couldn’t stand the thought of a kid getting hurt.
    “Listen, you and your little brother need to find anotherplace to play. This yard has way too many dangerous—” His words were cut off by a deep, familiar rumbling, and both he and Jesse looked out at the road as a huge monster truck drove past.
    “You better get on home, Jesse,” Billy said as he turned and headed for the hedge. He had barely gotten through when the beast of a truck turned into his lot, its huge deep-treaded tires flattening the waist-high weeds as the mud-splattered chrome grill stopped within inches of him. The diesel engine cut off, and the door swung open.
    “You plannin’ on shootin’ me for keepin’ your truck for so long?” Slate Calhoun said as he hopped down from the truck.
    Billy cocked a hip and rested his hand on the revolver. “Only if you brought her back empty. Of course, even then, you’ll have to wait here while I run into the house for bullets.” He walked over and grabbed Slate’s hand in a firm shake. “Good to see you, man.”
    “Same here.” Slate thumped him twice on the shoulder. “I thought you’d run off and forgotten about Bramble.”
    “Nope, just been too busy for recreational sports. So what’s this I hear about you gettin’ hitched?”
    Slate’s smile spread from ear to ear. “Married with child.”
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