Sword of Mercy
loyalty to the nation
immediately. The two must merge completely and become a Sword in
truth, otherwise victory is not certain. Asia must lead in this.
You must lead in this. Be merciful, your nose will lead to
understanding. This is a time of testing. Taste the truth and
embrace it, reject the lies, and ride the wave of change. Change is
on the wind.”
    Jasmine blinked as the words vibrated in her
head and grew louder and louder until she wanted to scream. She
closed her eyes and repeated the Goddess’ words until they
imprinted beneath her lids. A whirlwind of power swept around her,
lifting her hair, her gown and sending tingles across her skin and
then stopped.
    Gasping for breath, she flopped over on the
bed. Chest heaving, she sought Silas through their link.
“ Wolfie?”
    “What’s wrong?”
    “I just had a meeting with the
Goddess and it was fucking fantastic.”
    “I’m on my way.”

Chapter 5
    “ I’ll be back in a few minutes,
continue without me. When I return I expect a full update,” Silas
said to Matt and Dr. Passen, the two were working on decoding some
information Hawke had sent last week. Silas believed it would help
them locate the next Liege stronghold in the states and wanted that
information posthaste. But his mate meeting with the Goddess
trumped everything, he needed to be with her to process whatever
riddle the Goddess left behind.
    “ Yes, Sir,” Matt, Davian
–Jasmine’s ex-husband’s mate, said turning back to the computer as
Silas left the lab. Anxious over his mate’s condition, Silas kept
their link open and scanned his mate for any abnormalities. He’d
been summoned by the Goddess numerous times through the years and
knew how her visits upset his biology. Being human, he hoped
Jasmine recovered soon with no permanent damage. He moved quickly
down the halls and took the lift to their floor. Moments later he
entered their suite.
    “ Jasmine?” The smell of gardenias
hit hard and he took a step back to block the strong aroma.
“Jasmine?” he called again, worried she’d been overtaken by the
    “ In here.”
    Covering his nose with his arm, Silas headed
toward their bedroom and opened the door. Jasmine lie on her back,
staring at the ceiling. Worried the event with the Goddess harmed
her in some way, he hurried to her side and placed his palms on her
cheeks so he could look in her eyes and assess the
    “ Wolfie.” She giggled and ran her
fingernail down his cheek.
    Silas frowned. “I thought you met with the
Goddess.” Instead of being half-fried she appeared
    “ I did. Told you I did. Didn’t see
her though. She didn’t let me talk.” She paused, looking up at him
with a slight frown. “That’s a lot of dids, isn’t it?”
    Silas sat back watching her closely. “How do
you feel?”
    “Great. Headache’s gone, everything’s better.”
She leaned up on her elbows, the tips of her breast brushed against
his chest. “I’m her emissary, did you know that?”
    Surprised, Silas sat back. “No. I didn’t know
that. When did that happen?” He didn’t understand what happened,
but the Goddess’ visit impacted Jasmine a lot differently than him.
The tension eased from his shoulders as he watched his mate pull
her thoughts together.
    She repeated her conversation with the
    “She told me those same words when I first met
you. I assumed you, the twins and the pups were the change she
meant. Obviously there is more going on. You always said Asia was
special, that the Goddess would use her.”
    Jasmine nodded. “After all the poor girl went
through, there had to be a greater plan for her life.”
    Silas agreed but wondered at the larger
picture. “Hawke and Asia are important in changing things. Okay.
You’ll talk with her about that, help her understand what needs to
be done. But how does this play into the pups missing? She must’ve
addressed that.” He stood from the bed and looked out the window.
“So far one attempt was
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