Sword of Mercy
made to take a pup. The pieces of the
sucker who tried will never be found. But it was sloppy, more of a
human kidnapping than a pup-snatch in Angus’ reports. Still, the
very idea that someone could take a pup from any den or the
compound doesn’t sit right with me.”
    “There’s been no cases stateside,” Jasmine
said, rising from the bed and then falling back onto the
    “That doesn’t matter. If it happens to one, it
happens to all,” he snapped.
    “Check the attitude and the tone at the door.
I didn’t say it was right, I made an observation. Maybe there’s a
reason it’s happening over there. Maybe they did something. Maybe
there’s a curse or a secret stone with powers. We don’t
    He looked over his shoulder at her. “A secret
    She grinned. “Hey, I watch movies. Things
happen for all kinds of reasons, there could be a kernel of truth
in those old Indiana Jones movies. Don’t knock ’em.”
    Silas withheld a sigh and took a seat in front
of the bed. “I’m going to lock down the compound. Keep the kids
inside, no traveling into town or the forest. Not until I’m
satisfied no one can enter my den.”
    “A pup was stolen from inside a den Jasmine.
Another while his father was within a few feet.” Jaw tight he
stood. “I’m shutting this down.”
    “Renee is not going to believe
    Silas shrugged. “I know she promised to take
the kids to the circus in town tomorrow. That’s
    “How do I explain you canceled something you
approved? What if we take additional security? Each of us will have
a child on our lap. Will that work?”
    Silas hated to see the look of disappointment
in her eyes and stood. “If one of our children was taken, what
would you do?”
    He watched her straighten and her eyes cloud
over. “I cannot imagine that, Silas. But I would be very
    “So would I. Jasmine, we cannot afford to get that angry. I would rather your sister hate me for all
eternity than the combined destruction we would unleash on the
population searching for one of our pups. The Goddess would not be
pleased and would punish us. Chances are we would not see our pups
again, even after they were returned.”
    She glanced at him and rolled off the bed.
“Combined destruction, unleashed… really Silas? Dramatic
    “You mock me, but I remember your actions when
Tyrese was taken and he is a seasoned warrior, capable of taking
care of himself. I would not be much better. Let’s not bring in the
twins or Cameron. Let alone all fifty Alphas.” He rubbed his
forehead just thinking of the fallout. His sons and godson would
wreak havoc on anyone they thought harmed one of the pups. His
children had wormed their way into the hearts of his closest
associates who would leave no stone unturned in their
    Jasmine touched his arm and he wrapped his arm
around her waist. For a few moments they remained close, their
links open as they battled their unspoken fears for the safety of
their den and all the pups in the nation. He meant it earlier when
he said if it happened to one, it happened to all.
    “I’ll explain it to mom and she can help me
come up with something to tell Renee.” She placed a kiss on his
chest. “We’ll take care of it and find something else in the
compound to do.”
    He placed a kiss on her forehead and inhaled.
“Thank you for not fighting me on this. But I’m worried. Something
is wrong and I think it’s closer to home than we think. The Liege
has too many operations on this continent not to be interested in
my pack. We must be prepared.”
    “That’s defense, which is good. But who do you
have tracking the bastards down for elimination?”
    Silas met her gaze. He hadn’t sent anyone to
track them down and destroy them, but it wasn’t a bad idea. Asia
and Angus were his best trackers, but he needed them to continue
where they were. Leon and Brix had been assigned to watch the pups
but he could reassign
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