Sword of Mercy
Jarcee from the Alpha training team to watch
the pups.
    Pleased with his choices, he squeezed Jasmine
around the waist and kissed her long and hard. “The Goddess chose
the best emissary a Patron could have. Thank you, I will send Leon
and his mate Brix to track down the Liege in this country to send a
message they are not welcome on my turf.”
    “Will you clear it with the Pentagon? Just in
case there is some backlash?”
    Silas thought of his previous dealings with
the Joint Chiefs during his mating ceremony. They betrayed his
trust, and even though the President apologized, Silas was not
ready to deal with them again. “No. I don’t need them.”
    Her brow rose.
    “Not for this. No one will see Leon or Brix
coming, they both wear Chameleon bracelets. If a Liege Lord is in
the states, these two will find and terminate them.” The more he
thought of it, the more he wondered why he hadn’t done it before.
Was he becoming soft? Three years ago, he would have ordered the
death of a human enemy without having all the facts. Yet, he hadn’t
ordered the demise of these heinous criminals. Ironically, his
human mate suggested the termination.
    “Good. I don’t want them anywhere near our
packs,” she said pleasing him more.

Chapter 6
    Another urgent summons to meet Alpha Radoff
came right after they started breakfast. Asia and Hawke left
Chacal’s compound in a new black Hummer, courtesy of Alpha Ulric,
and headed west towards the foothills in Romania. She’d used the
chameleon bracelet Angus had given her to change her appearance
into the white male everyone considered Hawke’s mate. The Liege had
an eight million dollar bounty on her head and would love to
recapture her. The bracelet had saved her life on numerous
occasions and helped her free her mate. She would do everything
within her power to keep Angus’ secret and the bracelet
    Radoff had been excited by something he and
his pack uncovered, and for some reason he did not want Angus or
Chacal to know, not yet. Something about muddying the waters. Eager
for new information regarding the missing pups, Asia agreed to hold
the information close for now, but explained she would tell her
Mistress anything she deemed important.
    The man agreed and told them to
    After a few hours they arrived in a small town
that looked as if it were taken from a page of a medieval novel.
Half fallen towers, large blocks of stone littered the ground from
where the walls crumbled over time and an air of abandonment rested
over the large building.
    Hawke parked the Hummer out front and they
walked into what must have been the keep at one time. Overgrown
grass, and twisted vines greeted them. Birds took flight and
insects stopped chirping long enough to give them a quick
inspection. Asia placed her hand on the hilt of her sword and kept
her senses open.
    The sudden quiet disturbed her. Where was
    Hawke stopped and looked around. “ Someone’s
coming .”
    Asia nodded and then relaxed her guard.
“ It’s Radoff .” They both turned to watch the shorter Alpha
stride across the grounds with a sparkle in his otherwise dull
brown eyes and a spring in his step. The man vibrated with
    “He’s pleased about something,” Hawke said,
inching closer to Asia.
    Rather than respond, her gaze flicked over
Radoff, and noticed in the streaks of dirt on his face, the dust
and cobwebs in his hair and something dark on his hands he tried
wiping off on his pants. She’d guess he’d found an underground lair
or something. Based on what she knew about the man, the idea of him
on his knees crawling below ground seemed unlikely. So, what had he
been doing?
    “Alpha Radoff, you wanted to see us?” Asia
asked when he approached.
    “Yes… yes. I think I’ve found it.” He stuffed
his hands into his pocket, she suspected to keep from clapping or
waving them about.
    Asia’s heart raced. She glanced at the old,
drafty castle and then back at him. “This is where
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