Natasha's Legacy

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Book: Natasha's Legacy Read Online Free PDF
Author: Heather Greenis
Tags: Children, Gardening, castle, Princess, orphanage, Kingdom, underprivileged
stared at the papers in front of him. Why did I open my mouth? He didn’t
appreciate comments from his family, and did not care to listen to
Tom’s views on the topic.
    “Female volunteers appear discouraged when
you fail to spend time with them. They seem like they would be
happy to be in your company, perhaps for a short stroll around the
property to talk.”
    “My life revolves around an orphanage. Women
are not interested in building a relationship.”
    “Alex, you are naïve to the world. I recall a
number of volunteers eager to spend time in your company. Later on,
they were envious of Christine.”
    “You are an old romantic fool, Tom,” Alex
remarked. “During my school years, the women were not seeking a
serious commitment.”
    Tom shrugged his shoulders, stood, and walked
out of the room, shutting the office door behind him.
    * * *
    Hope stood by the door of the playroom,
listening to Izabella read a story to a small group of young
children. Tom opened the door.
    “I require a moment of your time,” he
    “Certainly. Of course.”
    Hope stepped into the lobby, closing the door
behind her.
    “I’m to spend the day completing errands
tomorrow, but we’re behind reviewing the volunteer applications.
With both Alex and Adam disliking the job, my time would be better
spent in the office. It would be much appreciated if Alex would go
to the city tomorrow.”
    “It would be pleasing to see Alex leave the
premises. Request his assistance in the morning. Adam and I will be
happy to help any couples looking to adopt, or volunteers that
require assistance while you’re occupied.”
    Tom stepped outside. Having forgotten to ask
about a particular couple considering an adoption, Hope opened the
door. Tom was looking to the sky. She didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but
heard his voice in a quiet prayer.
    “I believe in fate, my heavenly father, but
also believe it requires a slight push. If my intuition is correct,
guide them.”
    Questioning the meaning of the prayer, Hope
returned to the playroom, granting him his privacy.
    * * *
    After breakfast, Alex left the children with
the volunteers and went to the office. Tom was sitting at the desk,
working on a file. Alex looked toward his own desk where a pile of
volunteer applications waited. “Ugh.” Unable to procrastinate any
longer, he walked toward his seat.
    “I’d be pleased to review these documents if
you would complete the errands in the city,” Tom offered.
    Alex took a step back from his desk. He
enjoyed running errands with his father and grandfather years
earlier. “If you’re serious, I’d be delighted to avoid this
    “I’m serious. These applications need to be
reviewed and the volunteers need to be contacted. Unless we get
busy, I’ll get those completed.”
    Tom handed Alex a list. Not allowing their
manager a moment to change his mind, Alex pulled the bank deposit
from the main desk drawer and left in haste to change.
    Outside, the sun shone and a few fluffy
clouds dotted the sky. It was a beautiful day for errands.
Suffering a small pang of guilt leaving Tom in the office
completing paperwork, Alex looked back toward the door. “I deserve
a day to myself.” Giving the reins a tap, the horses trotted along.
He took a deep breath, allowing the fresh morning air to enter his
lungs. “I'm looking forward to this.”
    When he reached the city limits, Alex
retrieved the list from his jacket pocket. Once the bank deposit
was completed, he asked to speak with Richard. His future
brother-in-law walked out to greet him, and took him into his
office. They enjoyed a lengthy visit.
    After the butcher shop and the blacksmith,
Alex stopped his horse at the mercantile. He scanned the long list
of required goods as he entered. Glancing up, he made eye contact
with a male clerk just before the man disappeared into an adjoining
    “Good afternoon. Could I be of assistance?”
the female clerk
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