Swap Meet

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Book: Swap Meet Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lolita Lopez
walking Max back
    under the spray of the showerhead. Water rushed over their bodies. It was a touchingly
    intimate moment. Their bodies still vibrated with the effects of their shared orgasms
    and Chris noted the flush to Max’s neck. He nipped at the throbbing vein there before
    shutting off the water and stepping out of the shower.
    Lolita Lopez
    Chris handed Max one of the white towels hanging from the towel bar. His lustful
    gaze took in the water droplets clinging to Max’s chest, riding the curve of his belly and
    gathering along his happy trail. Max’s eyes seemed glued to Chris’ chest for the same
    reason. He fought the silly urge to flex a muscle or two.
    A knock at the door interrupted their staring match. As if answering hotel doors
    half-naked were a daily occurrence, Max wound a towel around his waist and strode to
    the door. Chris toweled off and listened as Max dealt with the delivery of their room
    service. Wearing just his towel, Chris left the bathroom and discovered Max setting up
    the breakfast tray on the circular table near the floor-to-ceiling windows. Fluffy
    pancakes, an omelet overflowing with veggies and cheese, crispy bacon strips, fresh
    fruit and orange juice tantalized Chris. His stomach growled noisily.
    Max grinned over his shoulder. “Come.”
    Chris settled into a chair across from Max. They piled food on their plates and
    tucked into the scrumptious fare. Watching Max eat, Chris had the feeling he spent
    quite a bit of time in hotels. “Do you travel a lot?”
    Max nodded and sipped his juice. “My business takes me many places. Sometimes I
    forget what city I’m in when I wake up in the mornings.”
    “What do you do?” Chris dragged a wedge of pancakes through a river of syrup.
    “Finance.” Max speared a cube of cantaloupe. “I own a holding group with interests
    in a variety of sectors.”
    “I see.” Chris wasn’t well-versed in the world of investments but he had an inkling
    Max was worth more than he could comprehend.
    “You work with your hands.”
    It wasn’t a question. Chris tilted his head with surprise. “You could say that. I’m a
    firefighter and paramedic. How did you know?”
    Max showed his palm. “Your hands are rough. They seemed rather out of place
    with your suit.”
    Swap Meet
    “Gift from my older sister,” Chris explained. “She’s a bank exec. For some reason,
    she thinks I need a rack full of suits like that. Personally I think she needs a husband or
    a dog to spoil.” Chris shook his head as Max chuckled. “She’s got this crazy notion that
    just because I’m gay I have an interest in fashion.”
    Max’s smile faltered. He toyed with the food on his plate. “When did you know?”
    Chris’ eyebrows lifted. “That I was gay?” Max nodded. “Aw hell.” Chris sighed as
    he thought back to his teenage years. “There wasn’t a single profound moment or
    anything. When my hormones started to rage, I noticed all the boys rather than the
    girls. I tried dating girls in high school but it just wasn’t right. Once I made the move to
    Austin and started college, I figured it out.”
    A pensive expression crossed Max’s face. “Until tonight, I’d always considered
    myself straight. I’ve never been particularly happy with women but I’d never had any
    urge to try a relationship with a man.” His gaze pierced Chris. “Until you.”
    Chris squirmed uncomfortably. What the hell could he say to that?
    “Perhaps I’m bisexual,” Max said curiously.
    Chris shrugged dismissively. “Does it matter? Is the label really that important?”
    Max considered his question. Whatever tension remained in his body vanished. He
    seemed to have an “a-ha” moment. “I suppose it doesn’t.”
    Chris smiled and leaned back in his seat. “Well there you go.”
    Max exhaled softly, seemingly relieved. His finger circled the rim of his juice glass.
    “Are you out?”
    Chris pulled a face. “It’s complicated.”
    “Because of your
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