Swap Meet

Swap Meet Read Online Free PDF

Book: Swap Meet Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lolita Lopez
    Chris nodded stiffly. “I work with some really great guys and gals. Most of them
    are live-and-let-live types but a few of them? Well…” He grimaced. “It’s just easier to
    keep my private life as private as possible.”
    “Is that why you come to these swap meets?”
    Lolita Lopez
    “Yes. But I’ve only been here twice,” he added, not wanting Max to have the wrong
    idea about him. “Anonymous sex isn’t really what I want but at the moment it’s the best
    alternative I have. Sometimes I drive down to Austin and see some, uh, friends there.
    Guys I’ve known for years.”
    “I understand.”
    And he did. Chris could see it in Max’s eyes. He was such a wondrously open man,
    so fluid and accepting. Chris wondered if he’d ever meet anyone like this again.
    “I should go.” Max’s tone was apologetic as he rose from his chair. “I have a
    morning flight.”
    Chris sat still and watched Max dress. He was meticulous, his movements so
    smooth they were obviously second nature. Longing gripped Chris’ belly.
    Embarrassingly, he wanted to ask Max if he’d ever see him again. How pathetic , he
    thought with annoyance.
    When Max had finished dressing, Chris walked him to the door. Max paused
    uncertainly, his hand on the knob. He caught Chris’ gaze, stunning Chris with the
    vulnerability reflected there. “I’d like to see you again.”
    Chris swallowed his surprise. “Would you?”
    “Not like this,” Max hastily amended. He gestured to the bed. “Nothing so
    Chris tingled with excitement, his stomach flip-flopping like that of a teenage boy
    about to score his first date. He grabbed a piece of hotel stationery and scribbled his
    name and cell number on it.
    Max folded the slip of paper in his manicured fingers and pocketed it. “I’ll call you
    when I’m next in town.”
    “I’d like that.” Chris wavered on the verge of stepping forward to kiss Max one last
    time. Max seemed to share his indecision. He rocked a bit, as if terrified to make a
    move. Throwing caution to the wind, Chris clasped Max’s face and nuzzled their noses
    Swap Meet
    together. Max’s shuddered breath buffeted his lips a mere second before Chris claimed
    them. They shared a tender, all-consuming kiss before separating.
    “Good night, Chris.”
    “Good night, Max.”
    As the door shut behind Max, Chris collapsed against it, the metal cold against his
    bare back. Knees wobbling, he braced his palms against the door. Christ, what a night!
    Lolita Lopez

Chapter Three
    With a startled gasp, Max shot up off his pillow. His calves and thighs clenched and
    relaxed as cum splashed his belly. He sucked air deep into his lungs. Head pounding,
    he wiped a hand down his face and collapsed back against the bed. Another wet dream.
    Another teasing vision of Chris rocking his world.
    For the last three weeks, Max hadn’t been able to shake Chris from his mind.
    During the day, his thoughts drifted constantly to Chris and interfered with his work.
    At night, Chris taunted him, invading his dreams with promises of mind-blowing sex.
    Max was slowly approaching the end of his rope. He had to get back to Houston—and
    Max rolled out of bed and strode into his bathroom. He stepped into a hot shower
    and scrubbed clean. The smell of soap, the steam of the water, brought to mind another
    shower all those nights ago. Eyes closed, Max could fool himself into believing the
    soapy hand gliding across his chest belonged to Chris. As Max stroked his stiff cock, he
    imagined Chris on his knees, mouth open and accepting his rigid length. He pumped
    his hips, sliding his dick over Chris’ velvety tongue. The suction of Chris’ hot, greedy
    mouth drove Max wild. With a sharp gasp, Max came, his fingers working the head of
    his cock until he couldn’t stand another second of stimulation.
    Max placed his forehead against the tile. He watched the sudsy water swirling
    around his toes. Not another night. He
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