Swap Meet

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Book: Swap Meet Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lolita Lopez
couldn’t survive another night without Chris.
    Mind settled, Max left the shower and prepared for his morning swim. Impatient to
    hear Chris’ voice, he swam away his frustration in his private pool. He’d calculated the
    time difference between Paris and Houston. He was certain Chris wouldn’t welcome
    such an early phone call.
    Swap Meet
    Once in his office, Max called in his assistant and had her clear his schedule for the
    rest of the week. He was expected in Tokyo by Sunday evening but that gave him three
    days in Houston. He sensed Michele was curious to know why he needed a flight to
    Houston and a penthouse suite. He’d concluded all his business in Houston during his
    last trip. Thankfully Michele knew better than to pry. Once he’d given his instructions,
    she hurried from his office to make the necessary arrangements. Max didn’t doubt for a
    second she’d come through beautifully.
    Relaxed by the thought of seeing Chris again, Max managed to concentrate fully on
    his work. There were minor emergencies to see to regarding the Middle Eastern
    markets and media rumors to tamp down about his interests in India. It was always
    something. Desperate to have a few peaceful days to himself, Max dealt with
    everything that crossed his desk efficiently and completely. He wouldn’t have Michele
    interrupting his mini-holiday in Houston with phone messages from this executive or
    that. Once he left Paris, he would trust his people to do their jobs.
    As his private car wound through the busy Parisian streets that evening, Max ran a
    finger across the slip of paper bearing Chris’ name and number. He’d touched it so
    many times since leaving Houston the paper felt worn and thin in places. The edges of
    the scrawled letters and numbers looked fuzzy. His heart catapulted into his throat as
    he dialed the number with shaky fingers. The headset clipped to his ear sounded with a
    ring tone. Max’s belly quivered with anticipation.
    “Hello?” Confusion colored Chris’ voice. Max figured he didn’t receive a lot of
    international calls and hadn’t recognized the number.
    “Chris? It’s Max.”
    “Oh.” Chris sounded surprised. “How—how are you?”
    “Well. And you?”
    “I’m sorry I didn’t call before this.” Max fidgeted with the cuff of his shirt. “I’ve
    been very busy.”
    Lolita Lopez
    “I understand. It’s been hectic here too.”
    Max could hear boisterous voices in the background. He was reminded of a frat
    house with all the laughing and shouting. The voices faded a bit and Max realized Chris
    was moving away from them to some place a bit more private.
    “I’m coming to Houston,” Max said. “I wondered if I might see you tomorrow
    night.” There was no mistaking the hopefulness in his voice.
    “I’d like that very much.”
    Relieved, Max practically melted into the seat. “I’ll be in town for a few days.”
    “After today’s shift, I’m off until Saturday morning.”
    Max swallowed and carefully made his invitation. “I have a penthouse suite booked
    through Saturday. I’d like to make you dinner. We could do whatever you’d like after
    that,” he finished softly, praying he didn’t sound tasteless.
    “I can think of a few things I’d like to do,” Chris said, a hint of a smile in his voice.
    Blood pounded through Max’s veins. He throbbed with desire. “Oh?”
    Chris started to speak but a horrid racket exploded in the background. Startled by
    the noise, Max listened intently as a stilted woman’s voice followed the alarm. Chris
    was being notified of a fire.
    “Shit!” Chris exhaled loudly. “I have to go. Call me when you land?”
    “Yes. Of course,” Max replied, a bit thrown by the abrupt end to their call. “Good
    luck,” he added dumbly.
    Chris laughed. “Thanks.”
    The line went dead. Max stared at the paper between his fingertips. Until that
    moment, Chris’ occupation had been merely a fact stowed away in his thoughts.
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