and sore in that area. For those women who have had children, are over fifty, or who have not pared down to their desired weight yet, consider taking an extra week or weeks if necessary to build up to twenty flex repetitions.
Be attuned to what is going on with you. Don’t just read what I write and apply it blindly. There is room for give and take in everything I’m describing in these chapters. Give yourself the time and attention you need to adjust all the exercises in this book to a timetable that personally fits you. Your body will recognize the respect you are giving it and do its very best for you.
Advanced-Degree PC
Once you have worked up to twenty flex repetitions three times a day for a week, you’re ready for the next level of PC fitness.
In addition to your twenty flexes, three times a day, add in ten slow repetitions that go like this: Gradually tense the PC muscle for five seconds, hold for another five, and release for a last count of five. You should be able to feel your PC muscle slowly push in and then push out. Try doing two of these to start, three times a day, and work up to ten of them (in
addition to your twenty fast flexes). It may sound simple as I’ve described it, but it does take a good deal of stamina so allow yourself at a minimum two to three weeks to work up to the full complement.
I cannot overemphasize the contribution these beginning and advanced PC muscle exercises make not only to sexual pleasure but also to pelvic-genital health. So please, place the work you are doing in a total, lifetime context and continue to do your flexes along with other practices of good personal self-care and hygiene on a daily basis.
Let Your Fingers do the Walking
Now that you are confident in your ability to identify your PC muscle and have brought it to a new level of strength and tone, you are ready to acclimate the PC muscle to flexing and relaxing in the presence of an object in your vagina.
As I mentioned earlier, many women are not able to maintain control over their PC muscle so that they can have an orgasm in the presence of a penis, dildo, or other object in the vagina. In the next series of exercises, you will insert objects into your vagina in order to build more strength and a greater sense of control. On your SSO quest it is important to know that you are physiologically in charge and in control of what is happening in your genital area during intercourse.
Now don’t get me wrong. You will not be required to
be “on duty” during intercourse in the future, surveying the territory to make sure your body is functioning according to plan. The whole point of these exercises is to make the feel and activity of your toned PC and uterine muscles so comfortable and recognizable to you that when you are with your partner you will not be thinking but rather will be experiencing everything in the realm of the senses. Let’s borrow a phrase from the world of dance and say we are working to train your sense memory here. Once the imprint is set you will be able to move into ecstasy without thinking about a thing. So let’s get on with this intimate dance right now!
You want to start this next exercise and every exercise that follows in this chapter with the sensate focus genital caress you learned at the beginning of the chapter. Some women prefer to preface each exercise by doing a fullbody caress, using oils, lotions, or baby powder, working their way slowly toward the genital area. The thing I like about this approach is that it puts each exercise in a fullbody context. And that is what you want to remember at all times. This is not a sexual fix-it book nor is the aim of these chapters how to do “it” quicker, faster, better. What I am hoping to bring you is thoughtful, heartfelt information, instruction, and support to help you enrich yourself sexually one hundred percent, drawing on your own inherent sensual body beauty and