Taken (Ava Delaney #4)

Taken (Ava Delaney #4) Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Taken (Ava Delaney #4) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Claire Farrell
Tags: Urban Fantasy, supernatural, Vampires, Angels, Hell, ava delaney, nephilm
    “What are you
going to do?” I asked before I could let my temper get the better
of me.
    She drummed her
fingers on the table, then nodded. “I’m going to figure out what
she was doing and try to finish off the job when I get back.”
    “Get back?”
    “The Council
are sending an entourage to check on the situation in England.
They’re a little nervous about more beasts turning up. Not that
you’d catch them admitting it. Anyway, they’re sending rookie
Guardians, so I volunteered.”
    A shiver ran
through me. “Be careful over there, but… could you check in on them
for me?”
    “The twins.
Remember?” I showed her my wrist. “Apparently, this is going to
keep happening until I help them escape. If you could just let them
know I’m still trying, but that it’s harder than I thought.”
    She held onto
my wrist for a couple of seconds, staring at the scarred skin. “You
help me, and I’ll help you. I’ll go through the paperwork and see
if there’s anyone you can talk to, someone with information on
whatever it was Illeana was really up to. I’ll go visit those twins
and see if I can get them on a flight home with me.”
    “That might be
dangerous, Esther.”
Likewise. But you’ll still do it, won’t you?”
    I grinned. “Too
right I will.”
    She turned her
head slightly, the corners of her eyes crinkling with worry. “Uh
oh. Here comes the big boss man. Wonder who he wants.”
    We both watched
as Gabe made his way across the dance floor. He stood out amongst
the dancers, allowing his inner light to glow around him. A
beautiful man with dead eyes.
    When he reached
our table, he nodded at Esther. “I hear your brother isn’t happy
about your next assignment.”
    She snorted.
“He doesn’t own me. Thankfully. Seemed stupid to send a gang of
newbies across the water when I could lead them.”
    “Is that what
you’re looking for? Another promotion?”
    She glared at
him. “I’m trying to do my job. We can’t afford to lose any more
    “Then you
should go and prepare yourself. I need to speak to your partner in
crime here.”
    I covered my
groan with a cough.
hesitated, then stood to leave. “I’ll call you, Ava.”
    Gabe sat across
from me, and I had the eeriest feeling I was about to be grounded.
The longer the silence, the more I twisted in my seat, feeling the
need to run. His dark brown eyes held my gaze, but there was no
emotion there, only a blank mask. He was the epitome of
attractive—tall, broad, dark, great features—but it was a shell
that hid his true face.
    “You know what
I’m going to ask you.”
    I threw a
glance heavenward, wishing he would find his way back up there. Our
priorities tended to settle on different issues, making our working
“relationship” difficult. My main concern was the slave market,
while his was Eddie Brogan. The Féinics and possible rebel cause
were the unclear wisps in the background, the thing neither of us
quite believed in.
    “I don’t have
any news,” I responded.
    “None at
    “Nothing that
would interest you. Except, why did you have Illeana running around
doing the same things as me? Why not have us work together?” He
covered his surprise well, but I caught it anyway. “You didn’t? So
who did?”
    His gaze fell
over the bar. “That’s what I’d like to know. Any other
getting pally with that witch consultant. Other than that, nothing
has actually happened in the five minutes since you last asked me
for an update.”
exaggerate, child.”
    “That might
have a little more impact if you weren’t vain enough to portray
yourself as a hot young man while you said it.”
    He frowned.
    I couldn’t
resist the temptation to push him further. “Any updates on the
formula yet?”
    The corner of
his mouth twisted into a crooked smile. “Touché. No, there haven’t
been any updates. The candidate is still alive. Safe and
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