Avoiding Temptation

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Book: Avoiding Temptation Read Online Free PDF
Author: K. A. Linde
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Adult, Contemporary Romance, Young Adult
things right after the madness of the past week didn’t sound like the best idea. She wanted to try to work everything out with Ramsey. She wouldn’t mind considering moving in with him again, but maybe she would do it eventually—like after they got all of their trust issues out of the way.
    “Come on, just stay one more week,” Ramsey said, sliding his hand into hers across the car.
    “Nope. Can’t do it. I need to get home and work out some things there—find out about the jobs I applied for, settle things with Chyna, make sure Rachelle hasn’t kicked me out of the apartment.” Talk to John . Yeah, she still needed to talk to him before she could settle all of this with Ramsey.
    “All things that can be done a week from now.” Ramsey backed out of the driveway and started to zip through the city.
    “Psh. If I let things sit with Chyna, she’ll eat me alive when I see her next.”
    “She’ll get over it. If we’re okay, then she should be, too.”
    “You clearly don’t know my best friend and her ability to hold a grudge,” Lexi told him.
    “I’m just glad that you don’t have the same affinity for it.”
    Really? She was pretty sure she could benefit from holding on to a grudge a bit tighter. Lexi could think of one too many times when she had been too forgiving, too understanding, too accepting. Jack Howard.
    No, she wouldn’t think about him today. She wouldn’t think about their past and everything that had led to her walking out of his wedding. Today was the day that she wanted to move forward and be okay with the fact that she had left with Ramsey. She would just think about Ramsey today.
    Maybe tomorrow, she would let the weight of what she had done sink in—when she was all alone and could start to process what had happened. Maybe after she found out whether Jack had gone through with it…
    “Where are we getting food anyway?” Lexi asked, changing the subject. She might have also forgiven Ramsey too easily. She wouldn’t think about that right now either.
    “I was thinking Flip Burger,” he suggested.
    Her stomach growled at the mention of food, and feeling embarrassed, she placed her hand on it.
    “I guess we waited too long to eat.” Ramsey smirked at the suggestion.
    She was sure that he was thinking about their sexcapade last night.
    Her cheeks heated as she replayed her body sliding against his, his hands running through her hair, their hot breaths mingling in the dark room.
    “Uh…Flip sounds fine,” Lexi said, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear and staring out the passenger window.
    Sex had been a nice distraction from all the problems they had to face. She had unabashedly reveled in it, knowing they had too much to talk about when they were finished. She wondered if they would be having this conversation over lunch or if it would wait until later, like maybe when she was back in New York. Lexi had so many decisions to make, and she didn’t even know where to start.
    Ramsey pulled into the Flip Burger parking lot and took the last remaining spot. As Lexi stepped out of the Mercedes, the August heat pressed down on her from all sides, and the humidity caused her dark curls to tighten from the added moisture. She couldn’t believe how just three years in New York City could change her ability to handle the humid Southern summers. A twinge in her chest reminded her how much she missed the city, and she couldn’t wait to get back even though returning would do nothing to help her relationship.
    “Shall we?” Ramsey asked, coming around to her side of the car and extending his hand in front of them.
    “I believe so.”
    They made it up to the front of the building and pushed through the crowd waiting to be seated.
    “Welcome to Flip. How can I help you?” the waitress asked when they approached.
    “What’s the wait for two?” Lexi asked.
    “About twenty to thirty minutes.”
    “Okay, that’s fine. Lexi, for two.”
    “For four,” Ramsey said over her
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