Sexology of the Vaginal Orgasm

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Book: Sexology of the Vaginal Orgasm Read Online Free PDF
Author: Karl F. Stifter
flux, not separate but joined together, contrary yet merging. Both create one single whole. Nothing illustrates the idea of “the two who are one and the one that is two” better than two entwined lovers. Both create a whole, each of itself, but at the same time are also the halves of a greater whole.
The greater our harmony in living together with Yin and Yang, the better our sense of pace and timing. The Yin- Yang principles form the basis of each dramatic form of art. The art of the love play is no exception. Try playing with Yin and Yang and maximize your sexual tension. When this moment is reached: let go! Then you lose the ground under your feet and fall into an abyss from which you will rise with pleasure. In French the orgasm is described as “le petit mort” (small death). From this perspective each sexual letting go is a way to experience what lies between life and death. It is self-experience in the truest sense of the word. By letting go we become aware of the divine power within ourselves and get an idea of our mortality and immortality at the same time. In Zen all ties must be overcome. The consequence is that we should free ourselves from the idea of having to reach orgasm! This goal-directedness entails fear of failure and a constant observation of one-self with great scepticism. It is like happiness which you can’t obtain by force. What counts ultimately is the path: “The exercise is the enligh- tenment”, as the Zen masters say. Whatever happens, hap- pens. Try it and see what happens…
Bioenergetic Blockades
From a bio-energetic perspective each inhabited excitation is accompanied by limited movement and breathing. Sim- ply try an exercise that is used as a warm up in Tai-Chi. First of all become aware of your breathing… very relaxed and calm… Now stand up and gently move your pelvis in a circle clockwise… for approximately 30 seconds… then counter-clockwise… Now do you notice that you are hold- ing your breath like most other people? You have prevent- ed your breath from reaching your pelvis. This way you hinder any emotion or sensation in this area. You have not harmonized your breathing with your movement. This disharmony might be a blockade in sex as well. Everyone – not just those who practice Tai Chi – is anatomically capa- ble of moving his or her pelvis and breathing at the same time! Don’t forget the following principle: Both the way you breathe and the way you move influence the way you feel and vice versa! This principle can be applied to sexual feelings and the way of expressing them. Each limitation of breathing and movement during love-making curtails sexual desire.
We automatically try to suppress unpleasant feelings by limiting our breathing. Unfortunately, intensive pleasura- ble feelings are also limited by the same automatism. It is difficult for us to supply air to our lungs because our breast and diaphragm muscles are tense. The word fear (in German: ‘Angst’ from the Latin word angusta (confinement) describes the state of a breast when it is involuntarily con- tracted.
For many the problem is not just excessively flat breathing but also the inability to completely exhale. That is to say, to relax the breast so that the air can escape without any
obstruction. Exhaling strongly resembles a “letting go”. It is a passive process that is enabled by relaxing the breast and stomach muscles. If these muscles are not entirely relaxed and kept tense too much air remains in the lungs and the subsequent inhalation is limited.
Sometimes a few changes in attitude, unfamiliar perspecti- ves and new views suffice to free oneself from something confining. We know this phenomenon from when, for instance, we “sleep over” a problem only to know the very next morning what we must do to “get going”. Even recommendations as to how one should proceed, when one should reach orgasm can become paradox cases when they give way to binding, constraining norms. A caveat of
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