Sexology of the Vaginal Orgasm

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Book: Sexology of the Vaginal Orgasm Read Online Free PDF
Author: Karl F. Stifter
conse- quence in the dual sense of the word. First, attention chan- nelled in this direction leads to a disillusioning flattening of pleasure and second, orgasm is a reflex which like all other reflexes subject to voluntary control is inhibited by much more intensive attention. However, one must also bear in mind that reflexes show a range of variations in terms of inhibition. This means that in some persons a reflex muscu- lar twitching can be triggered off by a light tap of the knee, while others only react following a strong smack on the patellar tendon below the knee cap. Both are perfectly normal, i.e., the neuronal apparatus conveying the reflex is intact. Just as there is a normal range of the patellar reflex threshold, there is also such in triggering an orgasm. The reflex thresholds are generally influenced by other factors
as well, such as psychological inhibitions, drugs and emo- tional states.
1.5. Reasons for the Female Orgasm
It is said that nature does nothing futilely. While we are more than happy that mother nature has given us the orgasm as a gift of pleasure, it is still a mystery why she has done so. We don’t really need it to ensure the survival of the species. And we all know that we can easily become pregnant with- out it. So why does it exist at all?
One of the most traditional answers of behavioral research is its function in partner bonds. The experience of orgasmic pleasure creates a psychological bond between the partners. (Eibl-Eibesfeldt, 184). There is certainly something true about this hypothesis, but this answer is not entirely con- vincing. If its sole function were to strengthen the couple’s bond then such a great variation in the likelihood of an orgasm should not be expected. Instead, each coitus should culminate in a temporally well coordinated orgasm that is as psychologically gratifying as possible. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.
More recent studies see the female orgasm as an evolutio- nary mechanism for women to influence the likelihood of their pregnancy. The orgasmic contractions of the uterus and the related dipping of the neck of the uterus in the “puddle of ejaculate” functions as a sort of “suction cap” which facilitates insemination. According to this hypothe- sis the likelihood of female orgasm must not just depend on the male’s quality as a lover but also on his bringing “biological quality” in the sense of “good genes” so as to en-
sure the greatest possible success in procreation. A sign of “biological quality” which is apparently assessed by all women according to the same standards is attractiveness. Studies have shown that the more attractive men are seen by women the more frequently they engage in extramarital relationships and the shorter the period of courting preced- ing the first intercourse. So far so good, but this does not really require any sophisticated studies. This is part of everyday experience. A “hotter” insight in connection with our subject matter is that male attractiveness influences the likelihood of a partner experiencing an orgasm when making love. (Thornbill et al., 1995)
This finding, which was confirmed by a survey conducted with 388 American and German women, created a big stir. (Shakelford, 2000) This explanatory model has certainly some validity. Yet in my view it is overestimated in terms of the conception-promoting effect of orgasmic movements of the uterus. As an argument, I’d like to refer to the research findings of Devendra Singh (et al., 1998), for example, that show that even a strong desire to have children does not have any effect on promoting orgasm. If there is any socio-biological explanation for sexual climax, then I believe it to be a sophisticated “pleasure premium” to stimulate women to continue having sex with an attractive man, so as to ensure genetic benefits for their offspring. (Stifter, 1993) In connection with a holistic and reciprocal erotiza- tion,
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