Red Fortress: History and Illusion in the Kremlin

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Author: Catherine Merridale
1770s; celebrated in Fabergé egg; repairs by Archaeological Society; coronation of Nicholas II; damaged by Bolshevik artillery; Easter celebration; untouched by Stalin
    Dostoevsky, Fedor
    Dune, Eduard
    Dunning, Chester
    Düsseldorf, Germany
    Dutch East India Company
    Dvina River
    Dzerzhinsky, Felix
    Eastern Europe, democratic change
    The Economist
    education, first Russian institute for higher education
    Egotov, I. V.
    Eisenstein, Sergei, Ivan the Terrible (film, 1944)
    Ekaterinburg: murder of the Romanov royal family see also Sverdlovsk
    El Lissitsky
    electricity, introduced to the Kremlin; introduced in Moscow
    Elena Glinskaya
    Elena Ivanovna
    Elena Sheremeteva
    Elena Stepanovana of Moldavia
    Elizabeth, Empress of Russia
    Elizabeth I, Queen of England
    Elizabeth II, Queen
    Elizaveta Fedorovna (wife of Grand Duke Sergei Aleksandrovich)
    Engels, Friedrich
    England: develops trade links with Kremlin; Godunov considers asylum in; Ivan the Terrible considers asylum in
    English craftsmen, in the Kremlin
    Enukidze, Abel
    Epiphany ceremony on the Moscow River
    Ermolin, Vasily
    Eugene IV, Pope
    Evdokiya Donskaya
    Ezhov, Nikolai
    Fabergé, Carl
    Faceted Palace; damaged by Napoleon’s troops; ‘restored’ for the coronation of Alexander III
    falcons/ falconry
    famine: (1569–70); (1580s); (1601–2); (1921); (Ukraine,1932–3)
    Fedor II, Tsar
    Fedor I, Tsar
    Fedor III, Tsar (Fedor Alekseyevich)
    Feodosiya Feodorovna
    Feofil, Archbishop of Novgorod
    Ferrara, Council of
    Le Figaro
    Filaret (Fedor Nikitich Romanov); installed as Patriarch
    Filipp I, Metropolitan of Moscow
    Filipp II, Metropolitan of Moscow
    Finns, early settlers; Moscow named by
    Fioravanti, Andrey
    Fioravanti, Aristotele
    First World War
    Florence, Italy
    Fontainebleau, France
    foreign craftsmen in the Kremlin
    Fourth Crusade
    France: dislike of, by Paul I; French language spoken at court of Catherine the Great; French revolution; Marquis de Custine; Napoleon invades Russia
    Frankland, Mark
    Franks, and fur trade
    Franz Ferdinand, Archduke
    Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor
    Fryazin, Bon
    Fryazin, Marco
    Fryazin, Onton
    FSB (Federal Security Service)
    Gagarin, Yuri
    Galloway, Christopher
    Genghis Khan see Chinghis Khan
    Gennady, Archbishop of Novgorod
    Gerasimov, Alexander
    Gerasimov, Mikhail Mikhailovich (forensic anthropologist)
    Gerasimov, Mikhail (poet)
    Germany: Frederick, III. Holy Roman Emperor; Thirty Years War; First World War; treaty of Brest-Litovsk; Second World War
    Geronty, Metropolitan
    Gian-Battista della Volpe
    Gil, Stefan
    Glinka, Mikhail
    Glinka, Sergei
    Glinskaya, Anna
    Glinskaya, Elena
    Glinsky, Mikhail
    Gobi desert
    Godunov, Boris; background; building projects as regent; escapes conspiracy against him; facilitates creation of the Russian Orthodox patriarchate; re-building projects 16th century; crowned Tsar; plans for new cathedral; famine of 1601–2; death; removal of coffin from burial place
    Godunov, Fedor Borisovich
    Godunov, Semen
    Godunova, Irina
    Godunova, Ksenia
    Godunova, Mariya
    Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
    Golden Horde
    Golitsyn, Vasily
    Golitsyn family
    Golovina, Princess
    Goncharova, A. A.
    Gorbachev, Mikhail; on Khrushchev; on Brezhnev; on Kremlin privilege system; becomes Soviet Leader; glasnost policy; perestroika; ends Afghan war; receives Nobel Peace Prize; on Stalin; creates Congress of People’s Deputies; relationship with Yeltsin; creates role of President of the USSR; attempts to hold USSR together; held under house arrest in1991 coup; returns to Moscow after 1991 coup; rivalry with Yeltsin; last few weeks of office; hands over power to
    Gorbacheva, Raisa
    Gorky, Maxim
    Gosiewski, Alexander
    GPU (secret police)
    Grabar, Igor
    Grachev, Andrei
    Grachev, Pavel
    Graf, Vilim
    Graham, Thomas
    Gramotin, Ivan
    Grand Principality of Vladimir
    Grande Armée (of Napoleon)
    Graphic (newspaper)
    Great Depression 1930s
    Greek Orthodox Church
    Grek, Maxim
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