Paranormals (Book 1)

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Book: Paranormals (Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Christopher Andrews
Tags: Science Fiction/Superheroes
His eyes bugged and gawked at the Black Lab perched at his throat, his mind incapable of grasping or accepting what was happening here.
    "All right, mister," Patricia did not bother to hide her satisfaction, "let’s see what you’ve got. Winston, if he moves, kill him." She reached under him and felt his back pockets. Sure enough, she came back with the mugger’s own wallet. "Gosh, aren’t we cocky? You stupid asshole."
    Patricia opened the wallet, going straight for the driver’s license.
    "Well, Anthony Deutsche , looks like you’re up shit creek without a paddle now."
    She climbed off of him, making sure to really grind her knees while doing so. She stepped back.
    "All right, kids, back off," she ordered as she stooped and delicately picked up the man’s knife. But growl at him, she added mentally, growl at him loud . Really give him a good show. Especially you, Winston.
    The dogs retreated a few feet and inundated Anthony with the noise of their fierceness.
    Anthony slowly rose to his feet, dividing his attention between fearful glances at the militant dogs and dagger looks aimed at Patricia.
    "I’m not prepared to escort you halfway across town, mister, but you’ll be hearing from the police soon enough." She waved the knife and wallet at him. "Now turn and walk away. Stick to the path so that I can see you in the lights all the way out of the park. And if you try anything clever, I’ll have Winston here rip your balls off and share them with Brutus and Cookie as a snack. Comprende?"
    Anthony nodded glumly and limped away, keeping to the path as instructed.
    "Good work, kids."
    Bad man we bit the bad man and helped Mom we get treats when we get home?
    Patricia laughed and answered Brutus and Cookie, "Sure, kids, you get treats. Double helping."
    Even though she was now speaking with her mouth instead of her mind, it was evident that they understood her better than ever before. Brutus and Cookie jumped up and down in excitement, Cookie throwing a bark or two after the bad man.
    Winston looked up at Patricia with eyes that now seemed uncannily wise to her.
    how Mom? he asked. how can you hear us?
    I don’t know, Winston, she answered, but I do know one thing ... I’m about to become the best damn veterinarian this world has ever seen .
    She smiled and, removing their unnecessary leashes, led the kids home.

    Doctor Philip Seymour was in an Emergency Room on the Night of the White Flash.
    Some men and women pursue the study of medicine because they sincerely want to heal their fellow mankind. Others choose the field because it is their family tradition; said person’s parents and grandparents before them are esteemed professionals in the medical field, leaving the child with a sense of obligation toward upholding the family reputation. Still others are pushed towards the profession by parents with strictly vicarious motives; if they  could never amount to anything, then, by God, their child would.
    And then some, like Philip Seymour, choose to be doctors for one reason and one reason only: Money .
    Raised by a single father, who slaved away for the city as a sanitation worker, Philip grew up with the notion that all doctors were rich — indeed, this stereotype was probably closer to the truth when he was a child. Philip attacked his education aggressively, achieving top marks not so much through raw intelligence as through fierce determination. He managed to get enough financial aid to make it into college, and by the time he was ready for his Masters degree and then medical school, he had gained enough momentum that there was no stopping him.
    Finally, Doctor Philip Seymour graduated ... and was stunned when an affluent, private practice did not fall right into his lap.
    The problem, put quite bluntly, was that Philip Seymour was something of an asshole .
    Philip did
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