Red Fortress: History and Illusion in the Kremlin

Red Fortress: History and Illusion in the Kremlin Read Online Free PDF

Book: Red Fortress: History and Illusion in the Kremlin Read Online Free PDF
Author: Catherine Merridale
    Gromyko, Andrei
    Gropius, Walter
    Habsburg dynasty
    Hals, Frans
    Hanseatic League
    Henry VIII of England
    Herculaneum, re-discovery of
    Herder, Johann Gottfried
    Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg
    Hermogen, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia
    Herzen, Alexander
    history and historians, Russian
    Hitler, Adolf
    Holy Roman Empire; dissolution of
    hospital for officers, in the Kremlin 1914
    Hughes, Lindsey, Russia in the Age of Peter the Great
    iconography; Simon Ushakov The Tree of the State of Muscovy; introduced with Orthodox religion from Constantinople; created in the Kremlin workshops; European influences; mass-produced; 19th-century restoration of Faceted Palace; icons damaged and sold off by Bolsheviks; ‘Treasures of the Kremlin’ Exhibition; of the Saviour and St Nikola, on the Kremlin gates
    Il’f and Petrov
    Iliushin, Viktor
    Ilmen, Lake
    Imperial Russian Archaeolgical Society
    infant mortality, Russia, beginning of 20th century
    influenza epidemic
    International Festival of Youth, Moscow
    International Woman’s Day 1917
    Iofan, Boris
    Isfahan, Persia
    Isidor, Metropolitan of Kiev and all Russia
    Italy: builders and building skills; influence on Russian architecture; marriage of Sofiya to Ivan III; re-discovery of classical past
    Ivan Alekseyevich (brother and co-Tsar of Peter the Great)
    Ivan I, ‘Kalita’; inherits throne of Moscow; re-builds Kremlin walls; builds Dormition Cathedral in the Kremlin
    Ivan III: assumes sovereignty of Moscow; commissions present structure of the Kremlin; extends Moscow’s regional power; renovation of Kremlin walls; marriage with Sofiya Palaeologina; and re-building of the Dormition Cathedral; betrothes daughter to Alexander of Lithuania; adopts title of Tsar; banned foreign merchants from Kremlin
    Ivan IV (‘the Terrible’); birth; character and state of health ; coronation; renovations to the Kremlin; court of; expansion of Russian territory; threatens to abdicate; oprichnina palace; wives ; deference given to; kills his own son; death; ‘lost’ library; s examination of remains
    Ivan Ivanovich (son of Ivan the Terrible)
    Ivan the Great (bell tower); damaged by Napoleon’s troops
    Ivan the Terrible (film, 1944)
    Ivanov, Dmitry
    Ivanov-Shits, I. A.
    Izvestiya (newspaper)
    Jackson, Michael
    James I of England
    Japan, war with Russia (1904–5)
    Jenkinson, Anthony
    Jeremiah, Patriarch of Constantinople
    Junkers, The, defend the Kremlin against the Bolsheviks
    Kaganovich, Lazar
    Kalinin, Mikhail
    Kalitnikovo, brick factory
    Kalka River
    Kalyaev, Ivan
    Kamenev, Lev
    Kameneva, Olga
    Kaplan, Fanya
    Kapuscinski, Ryszard
    Karakorum (capital of the Mongol Empire)
    Karamzin, Nikolai; History of the Russian State; Notes on Ancient and Modern Russia
    Kazakov, Matvei
    Kazan, captured by Ivan the Terrible
    Kazan Cathedral, St Petersburg
    Kazan Cathedral, Moscow
    Kazan Khanate
    Kazy-Girey (Tatar leader)
    Khamtsov, A. I.
    Khan, Genghis see Chinghis Khan
    Khasbulatov, Ruslan
    Khlebnikov, Sergei
    Khodorkovsky, Mikhail
    Khotinenko, Vladimir
    Khovrin, Vladimir
    Khovrin family
    Khrushchev, Nikita: and Josef Stalin; succeeds as Party Leader; repudiates Stalinism; plants orchard in the Kremlin; populism; builds Palace of Congresses in the Kremlin; removed as Party Leader
    Khrushcheva, Nina Petrovna
    Kiev; seized by Vikings; arrival of Christianity; sacked by Mongol Horde; eclipsed as power base of Russia; ceases to be focus of Russian Orthodox Church; transferred from Polish to Russian rule 1686
    Kirill-Beloozero Monastery
    Kirov, Sergei
    Kitai-gorod, Moscow xiv
    Kliuchevsky, Vasily
    Klyazma River
    Knave of Diamonds (artists’ group)
    Kohl, Helmut
    Kolli, Nikolai
    Kolyvan (Tallinn)
    Komissarzhevskaya, Vera
    Kon, Fedor (architect)
    Konchalovsky, Petr
    Konenkov, S. T.
    Konstantin Nikolaevich, Grand Duke
    Konstantinov, Antip
    Konyshev, Pavel
    Korb, Johann Georg
    Korean airline
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