Naked Desire: Naked Cowboys, Book 5
didn’t seem to understand the flavor of life and a relationship.
    Or maybe it was the kind of women he happened to pick to spend time with.
    And speaking of those women, as he turned into his driveway, his stomach knotted and a headache began to gestate behind his eyes. A cherry-red convertible was parked at his curb. And sitting in the swing on his porch, one leg tucked under the other, a big smile on her bright-red lips, was his current bad choice. Lisa Harrelson. She seemed to show up everywhere these days, accidentally running into him.
    Apparently, ten years in New York hadn’t given her what she was looking for, since last year she’d returned to Saddle Wells to live in the little guest cottage behind her parents’ historic old home. She commuted daily to her job as a paralegal in San Antonio. Jesse often wondered why she didn’t go ahead and move there and save herself all that time in traffic. Maybe then he wouldn’t have gotten himself tangled up with her.
    He put the truck in park and turned off the ignition, gathering himself to politely tell her he wouldn’t be on her menu tonight. He wondered what part of, “Let’s hang out now and then, nothing serious, no big deal,” she didn’t understand.
    “Hey, big guy,” she called as he climbed the porch steps. “I knew you were finished with the DeWitt job and took a chance you might be home early today.”
    “Not working today?” he asked.
    She shrugged. “Took a vacation day. Thought maybe we could do something together.” She cocked her head. “I missed you at the Bit and Bite. Where’ve you been?”
    “Meeting with a new client.” He leaned his hip against the porch railing. No way was he going into his house until she left. Opening that door would be inviting a black widow inside. How could someone look so nice on the outside and be so selfish and possessive on the inside?
    She had certainly dressed for temptation today. A tight pink T-shirt emphasized her breasts, the nipple showing dark beneath the thin material. It was obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra. And Daisy Duke jeans cut so high he could almost see where the toned legs joined her body. Her thick auburn hair flowed loose to her shoulders and her makeup was carefully applied. She might as well have been wearing a sign that said, Fuck me.
    When he looked at her, he wondered what he’d ever seen in her. Had the few hot dates been worth having her try to glue herself to him?
    “Oh?” She lifted an eyebrow. “Anyone I know?”
    “I don’t think so.” He wasn’t about to drop Cyn Dellinger’s name into this viper’s stewpot.
    “Come sit down with me.” She patted the swing beside her. “There’s still a lot left of the day.” Her lips curved in a ravenous smile. “And all of the night.”
    Jesse shook his head. “I don’t think so. I’ve got some plans to put together for the new client. I might be starting the job tomorrow.”
    “Oh, come on, Jesse,” she teased. “You have to play sometime.”
    “But not today.”
    Now she arranged her features in a pout. “But we have so much fun when we play.”
    Possession bloomed in her eyes, setting off every alert system in his body.
    “Come on. Don’t do this.” He swallowed a sigh. “We’ve had a couple of laughs together, and—”
    “And great sex. Don’t forget the great sex.” She unwound herself from the swing and eased toward him. “We’re so good together. We should think about taking things to the next level.”
    Her laugh was throaty, and the sound of it rubbed the edges of his nerves. Her words moved his headache from hovering to fully present. Sure, he wanted to settle down. Get married. That was one reason he’d bought this house and lovingly refinished and restored everything. But it wasn’t Lisa Harrelson or anyone like her that he saw sitting across the breakfast table from him.
    Unbidden, the image of Cyn Dellinger invaded his brain, sunlight pouring through the windshield of the truck
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