Claiming His Need
partial-shift without effort. Pity, that.
    “Quit playing dominance games, would ya?” Magnus spat and rolled his shoulders.  
    I smirked as we watched the boy scurry around the back of the house.
    “He started it.”
    Sandman snorted. “For someone over four hundred years old, I would have expected a more mature answer.”
    “Not today, my friend.” I swung my leg over the seat of my Indian and strode onto the porch with Sandman and Shadow following right behind me.  
    “You sure you can keep your cool, Sandy?” Magnus hollered from where he stood beside his bike. “Wouldn’t want you to challenge another pack Alpha and cause a riot like last time.”
    Sandman’s head whipped around, his eyes nearly glowing in rage. A growl thundered from deep within him, setting birds to flight and causing every shifter within earshot to freeze in anticipation.  
    Magnus smirked and crossed his legs at the ankles as he leaned back against the seat of his bagger. “Hey man, I’m just checking. If you’re going to be under my watch, you can’t be fucking with the rules.”
    Sandman blinked then turned, watching me. His emotions played across his face like a movie—pain, surprise, and a longing that looked ready to tear him apart. A second later, he shut down his emotional show-and-tell and settled his expression into a look of irritation.
    “So Rebel goes off to live in mated bliss, and we’re stuck with this asshole?” He hitched his thumb in Magnus’ direction.
    I snorted and angled my body to face him, subtly turning my back on Magnus. The body language was quiet and subtle, but any shifter who noticed would know exactly what I was telling the useless leader. My allegiance was not to the idiot barking orders.
    Sandman lifted the corner of his mouth, his normal cocksure attitude returning in an instant. With a wink in my direction, he inclined his head toward Magnus.  
    “I’m pretty sure I can take care of myself around here, boss. Maybe you could find a nice, consenting shewolf to handle things for you. They’ve got to have someone around here who would turn your crank.”
    “Doubtful.” I turned toward the front door to hide my smirk.
    Shadow snorted a laugh but didn’t comment. Sandman caught my eye, fighting a grin.  
    “Feel better now?”
    “Fuck yes.” I straightened my cut, lifted my chin, and rang the doorbell. “Okay, you assholes. Let’s get this shit done.”  
    “Notice anything off?” Sandman asked as we waited for someone to open the door. All the shifters in the area would know we had arrived by the sound of our bikes, yet no one had come out to greet us. Even the shifters who’d surrounded us as we drove in hadn’t officially welcomed us to Valkoisus land. For a pack, whether they followed the more traditional teachings or not, it was a major breach of protocol. And yet I knew that wasn’t what he was referring to.
    “No women or pups.” I didn’t need to elaborate. Sandman let out a quick grunt, letting me know he found the situation odd as well. Before I could give much thought to the atypical behavior, the door flew open.  
    “It’s about damn time you boys showed up.”  
    The man I remembered to be the Alpha of the Valkoisus pack turned and walked back into the house. No welcome speech or request for respect of pack lands.
    I glanced at Sandman then stepped inside. Something on the air, a subtle scent I couldn’t describe, teased my senses. I wanted to track it, to find where it was coming from and keep it all to myself. Floral and sweet with a hint of spice, the aroma captivated me and caused the blood in my body to rush south. I adjusted myself as subtly as possible while mulling over what the hell could have caused such a response. I hadn’t had a surprise erection since my pup years.  
    Shaking off the unusual reaction, I refocused on the job at hand and rushed to catch up to the Alpha.
    “We came as soon as we received the call about your territory dispute.”
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