Naked Desire: Naked Cowboys, Book 5
highlighting the spun gold of her hair and painting her skin with a warm glow. He wondered again what she’d look like naked. How she’d taste. What she—
    Jesus! I’m losing my fucking mind. She’s a client. A client!
    “Hey.” Lisa was right in front of him now, doing her best to plaster her body to his. “Where’d you go, stud?” She winked. “Dreaming of the things we can do with a big bed? Maybe your big bed?”
    That snapped him out of it. He made it a rule never to bring women to this house. Call him old-fashioned but the woman he took to his bed here would be the one he wanted to share the rest if his life with. Unlike some of his friends, he didn’t want an endless list of bodies rolling around on his sheets.
    Closing his fingers on her upper arms he set her away from him.
    “Go home, Lisa. I have things to do.” He tried for a smile. “Maybe you can find someone else to come out and play.”
    “And if I don’t want someone else?”
    “Then you’d better change your way of thinking because, you and me—” he pointed to her and then himself, “this really isn’t working. I tried to tell you it wasn’t anything serious. I was honest and upfront with you.”
    Anger crackled in her eyes. “Damn you, Jesse Orosco.” She planted her fisted hands on her hips. “You just—” She stopped and drew in a deep breath, let it out slowly. Forced her lips into a smile again. “I picked a bad time. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude. Why don’t we do something this weekend?”
    “I told you I’m starting a new job. I expect to be pretty busy.”
    Her eyes widened. “On the weekend too? What the hell kind of job is it anyway?”
    “A good one that I’m really looking forward to.” He stepped away from her. “Look, you’re a beautiful woman. The right man is out there waiting for you. But I’m not that guy. I’m sorry if I ever did anything to make you think that, but—”
    “Please. Spare me the platitudes.” She stomped down the steps to the walkway. At the sidewalk she turned. “You don’t know what you’re missing. But you will. I promise. You won’t find anyone better than me. You’ll come back to me. That’s a fact.”
    She climbed into the convertible, cranked the engine and burned rubber as she pulled away from the curb.
    Jesse stood watching her, shaking his head. Saddle Wells was a small town, so he was sure they’d bump into each other. Probably more than he wanted to. Somehow, he’d have to figure out how to deal with it, because no way was he taking up with Lisa Harrelson again.

Chapter Three
    A week later, Cyn pulled her SUV into the one empty space behind the row of stores, glad that it was directly behind her back door. Turning off the ignition, she sat back for a moment, forcibly controlling the beat of her pulse that seemed to ratchet up off the charts whenever she was near or with Jesse Orosco.
    It’s nothing except hormones, she kept telling herself. It’s all those years with Frank, years of bad sex or no sex. Years of listening to cutting remarks that made her question her appeal and desirability as a woman. How had she even let it go on for so long? Why hadn’t she walked away a long time ago?
    Because it took a lot of strength to fight Frank’s power and dominance.
    But now she was starting the rest of her life. A brand new life. And instead of focusing completely on the business she planned to open, she was mooning over a man ten years her junior like a teenager in lust.
    Get it together, Cyn. Right now.
    Gathering her inner armor, she climbed out of the SUV, unlocked the back door of the building and walked right into the sight of Jesse with no shirt, body gleaming with perspiration, muscles bunching temptingly beneath his skin as he hammered the braces for the storage shelves into place. Blake Shelton blasted from a boom box set on an overturned box and Jesse was humming along with the rich sound.
    On his right shoulder was the tattoo of an eagle
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