My Heart Belongs To You: A Psycho Thriller

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Book: My Heart Belongs To You: A Psycho Thriller Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michael A. Walton
intents and purposes like garden pruners , except these were surgical shears used for cutting through bone.  The viscous looking parrot beak jaws had never seen a branch , but they had crunched through many ribs over the last six years.
    The final item was a small black box containing surgical sutures with number 5 steel needles.  It was important to Cupid that his couples looked their best for his filming , so stitching them neatly after his work was important to him.
    Tom decided to try a different tactic .  ‘ You’ d better let us go , you creep . People will be looking for us . ’
    The whistling stopped suddenly .
    Tom knew that he had made a mistake.
    Three quick steps took Adam to the wide table on which Tom and Karen were strapped.  Even though he was standing less than a foot away, they still couldn’t see him , but they could hear his breathing, forced and angry .
    Karen let out a scream that chased away to the high roof as Adam suddenly leaned over her, his face inches from hers, his breath warm on her skin.  His eyes narrowed as he looked up and down her body.  To her , he was upside down . The deep scars on the left side of his face and his drooping eye gave him a grotesque gargoyle expression.
    Tom sensed the man behind them and he knew he was standing close to Karen, who was laying helpless and naked to his left.  Her scream caused his heart to leap as adrenaline shot into his system.  ‘ Keep away from her , ’ he screamed , thrashing wildly against the straps holding him down, ‘ I´ll kill you , so help me . ’
    Adam watched him from the corner of his eye thrashing around like a wild animal, screaming threats as the woman continued to cry and whimper while he psychologically caressed her.  Her screaming collapsed into a strangled whimper , as his tongue slipped out between thick lips , flicking as he leaned over , as if he were about to run it over her neck and down over her breasts.  In fact, he did neither . No contact was made, at least not physical , but the mental torment inflicted on Tom was his reward.  Tired of the game , he stepped back whistling , and completed laying out the surgical instruments.
    Karen was reduced to sobbing , while Tom’s efforts had drained him , leaving him panting desperately , trying to glimpse Karen to his left . However, he was unable to get any movement out of the straps across his neck and forehead.  Two minutes later , the screeching door heralded the man’s exit . The light was switched off , and the pair was plunged once more into the inky black world of despair and fear.  Tom had inched through the foothills of Afghanistan and carried out covert operations in the deadly streets of Iraq , but never in his entire life had he experienced fear as he felt now . Nevertheless, he could not let that fear bleed through to Karen . He had to bolster her, and he had to give her hope.
    ‘ Karen , ’ he whispered.
    Only a child-like whimpering answered him.
    ‘Karen , listen to me, we are going to get out of this, believe me . ’
    ‘T … T … Tom , we’re going to die. H e was horrible, he… he’s insane.’
    ‘Karen , we are not going to die . Listen to me , we… are… not… going… to die. ’   He pronounced each word succinctly , needing to snap her out of the hysteria that he could hear she was slipping into.  ‘Somebody will com e, sweetheart, trust me , ’ he implored.
    ‘ No one ’ s coming , Tom . No one ’s going to find us , ’ she whimpered.
    ‘You’re wrong my darling, so wrong. Someone is coming and they’re coming right now.  You have to believe me.’
    ‘But… how do you know , Tom . How could you possibly know?’
    Tom squeezed her hand , ‘ As sure as night follows day , Karen , John is coming for us.’
    ‘Will he find us , Tom , before… before…?’  Karen ’ s voice broke and trailed away.
    ‘ Karen, he will find us . You must hold on, he will find us.’  Tom couldn’t stop his mind chasing down
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