My Heart Belongs To You: A Psycho Thriller

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Book: My Heart Belongs To You: A Psycho Thriller Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michael A. Walton
sister was waiting , Turner gave details to John about Cupid and the twelve murders, details that were never released to the public.  There were a number of reasons behind that , one being that the mutilation of the bodies w as too harrowing, too distressing to give out to the general public.  John simply listened in silence; Turner ’ s words were creating horrific images that enforced his determination to bring his friend and Karen home.
    Pulling up at the front of a large double - fronted Victorian property, Hanson exited the Ford Focus , and strode briskly up to the fr ont door , behind which a private retr e at for people suffering autism and savantism was in operation .
    Pushing the bell , he reflected as he had done countless times , on his sister , as to why her, and not him , should be locked into that world of savant autism , where order and routine dominated Stephanie’s life.  Her daily routine became he r religion to keep her calm and content .  Whil e their parents were alive, she lived with them , becomi ng the centre of their universe, their reaso n for getting up in the morning, and their reason for drawing breath.   John knew they had some guilt tha t, in some way they m ight be to blame for her condition, questioning if something they had done during their mother’s pregnancy could hav e triggered the condition.  He sat with them so many times that he had lost count assuring them that was not the case.  Their death nine years ago had thrown his and Stephanie’s lives into a storm of restructuring.  Initially , John h ad tried to fill their shoes, Step hanie came to stay with him full time, helping him to try and create an environm ent that would support her within her inner world.  It failed miserably.  With initial reluctance, he eventually placed her in this retreat , which catered to people with Stephanie ’ s co ndition .  It turned out to be the best thin g he could have done.  She was happy and she flourished under its care .  The staff was superb , giving its residents every opportunity to live their lives to the full potential within the varying levels of their affliction.  Stephanie had a separate studio within the building where she was able to follow her carefully structured routines , keeping her calm and content.  A caregiver called in on her several times during the day to make sure she was o kay, and within that setup, a kind of structured harmony developed and ruled.
    Her savantism had manifested itself in incredible displays of memory that , even after all these years , still astounded John.  He tried to visit her at least three times a week , but he called her every day at 3.45 p . m . , because that was the time Stephanie told him he needed to call.  He could never get her to explain why it had to be that time , but he guessed within her mind , there was locked a logical reason.  On the occasions that he had to miss the designated time, she would tell him that was not good and he nee ded to stick to the correct time.  It was easier just to tell her he would try next tim e, rather than explain that when you were involved on a missio n, it wasn’t always convenient.
    Despite her co ndition, John and Stephanie had grown extremely close.  She was a beautiful woman who at first sight looked completely normal and the image of John’s mother.  At five eleven with a slim figure and auburn hair that shone like burnished copper, she might well have pursued a career as a model under different cir cumstances.  When she looked at John with her striking green e yes , it was with such depth that he often felt as if she were looking deep into his soul , looking for answers to qu estions yet unasked.  The bond between them had built up during the early years just as other sibling relationships did , but John did not realise as a young child , that his sister was any different from other sisters.  Eventually , around the age of eight , other children unk indly helped him
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