My Heart Belongs To You: A Psycho Thriller

My Heart Belongs To You: A Psycho Thriller Read Online Free PDF

Book: My Heart Belongs To You: A Psycho Thriller Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michael A. Walton
frightening passageways where he didn’t want to go.  He knew John would be looking for them . He knew that his friend would move heaven and earth and then some , but as much as he had faith in him , he wasn’t sure there was time.  He knew in his heart that Cupid had taken them . He knew as most of the nation knew from the news coverage , that this maniac had murdered his victims on the 14 th February each year for the past six years.  His body clock told him that this was the 13 th .  Whether it was day or night, he could not be sure . However, what he was sure of was that if John didn’t find them , then tomorrow night , they were going to die.  He gave up a silent prayer , a prayer to his friend. ‘ Come and get us , John, holy M other of God , John , come and get us .’

Chapter Seven
    13 February - 10 : 20
    ( L ife r emaining 32 hrs 40 mins)
    ‘Don’t judge what you don’t know about.’
    The number Hanson had rung was never written down, and never logged into a mobile.  It would take him through to a command centre known only to a chosen few, buried deep in an underground bunker in Hereford . Its existence was on a strictly need to know basis.  As a courtesy to Turner , he switched on the loudspeaker . He wanted him to be fully in the loop with anything relating to the task in front of them.  Four rings brought a voice that never failed to trigger many memories.
    ‘ This is Blue Eagle, i dentify yourself and give your password .’
    ‘ John Hanson, Starbird 70895 .’
    ‘ John, I was expecting your call. I spoke with Donald Myers about thirty minutes ago. What ’ s the latest intel ?’
    ‘I’ m en-route to my office to set up a command centre , Myers is on his way. I’ m with Detective Inspector Richard Turner from Sco t land Y ard . He ’ s the lead detective in the Cupid c ase. We have all the files that are available with us.   I’ m also intending to pick up my sister Stephanie en route . I’m hoping she may be able to help us .  A lso , we are on speaker phone , Sir , just to advise you .’
    ‘ Roger that , John, so what do you need ?’
    ‘ At the moment , nothing , Sir . I just wanted to open a line of communication in case we need any help later .’
    ‘ Well … I was going fishing , John, been looking forward to it. Not sure I want to change my plans for that runt Tom .’
    John smiled as he he ard the gasp of surprise from Turner at his side. How could he know that , “ the I couldn ’ t care less attitude , ” was the accepted form of bonding between members of the elite SAS core? The more scathing , the more it showed how much the concern.
    ‘ Are you fully aware of the severity of the situation ?’ snapped Turner , unable to believe what he had just heard.
    ‘ I am indeed , ’ responded Blue E agle .  ‘ I booked that fishing trip weeks ago and I doubt I’ ll get my money back .’
    Hanson waved a stalling hand at Turner , who was about to respond, his colour a healthy red glow.   ‘ Well , providing you decide no t to go fishing , S ir , I ’ ll be in touch .’
    ‘Can´t promise , John , bu t I´ll see what I can do .’
    John closed the line and pulled out the cable tucking the small black box back into his inside pocket.
    ‘ Some friend !’ s napped Turner , as the Sat Nav advised them that they were eleven minutes from their first destination.
    ‘ Don´t judge what you don ’ t know about , ’ warned Hanson . ‘ That man would walk over hot co a ls to save a man from the regiment .’
    ‘ But … I heard him , ’ complained Turner , his voice going up an octa ve.
    ‘ The , “I couldn ’ t care less attitude , ” is a reverse safety valve .  As I said, don´t judge what you know nothing about.  I hope I’ve made that clear , ’ responded Hanson curtly.
    Turner simply nodded acceptance, clarity manifesting as Hanson’s voice took on a slight edge .
    Over the next ten minutes , as they neared the centre where John’s
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