Mates Since Birth (Half-breed Shifter Series)

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Book: Mates Since Birth (Half-breed Shifter Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Miranda Stowe
instinct to mate with him had to be stronger than his own, and Dane’s instincts to devour her were damn strong. He could have her under him with the slightest provocation. So quickly, so easily, so beautifully. His cock could already feel the squeeze of her pelvic muscles around him, and his hips gave an involuntary spasm.
    She sucked in a breath and gulped audibly.
    Enough temptation, he decided. If this mutual desire grew in the same vein it currently was, they’d be fucking in about two minutes, which would totally negate the entire reason he’d come here.
    Grinding his molars, his incisors aching with the need to grow and repeat the bonding rite, he regretfully reached for his clothes and snapped up his pants. Ari simply watched, the expression on her face open and clear. He was surprised she didn’t lick her lips as she watched him tuck his dick into the lap of his trousers. He winced when he struggled to fasten his zipper.
    Once he hid his cock from view, she seemed to pull herself back together. Clearing her throat, she whirled away from him and paced some more, dodging the mole hole this time with a quick, elegant skip. “Okay, say maybe I believe you bit me when I was a baby, but I didn’t return the favor, ergo the bond wasn’t finished, and we’re not truly mates. So, ha!”
    Oh, how wrong she was. “Sorry to disappoint you, but we’re still mates.” Casually, he picked up his shirt and shrugged it on. He didn’t bother to button it. “Like a car with a flat tire, the bond may not be finalized—” though it was—“but it’ll still limp down the road and get you to your destination. Completed or not, our link exists. I feel you inside me. And I’ve bet you’ve caught an echo of me every once in a while; you just didn’t know what it was.”
    She tried to shake her head, but the movement was sluggish and in no way adamant. He watched her eyes dart over him. When she absently rubbed at the center of her chest, no doubt catching an echo of the crazy stir in his own heartbeat, he commanded himself to calm down.
    “I can feel you, Ari,” he repeated, fisting his hand and pressing it to his own chest. “How do you think I found you? For years, I tried to use logic, common sense, the internet, a private investigator. They got me nowhere . Finally, I gave in to my animal, letting it lead. And three months later, halfway across the country, here I am, standing in your front yard.”
    Again, she waggled her head back and forth, but apprehension fluttered in her lashes. He knew that stubborn trait he remembered too clearly made her want to deny it. “I…I just can’t believe you. No. It isn’t true.”
    He shrugged as if it made no difference what she believed, though in all honesty, it meant everything. His entire future. He might tell himself he didn’t give a shit if his own mate couldn’t even recognize him and didn’t want him. He wasn’t here to claim her anyway. But a part of him he couldn’t control shattered under her rejection.
    “So ask your parents if it’s true,” he answered, sliding a glance over his shoulder toward a house located down the street from hers, the house where he’d smelled Knox’s mark blanketing the yard when he’d passed it. Without turning back to her, he snagged his suit jacket off the chair and slung it over his shoulder. Whiskers had found his tie and was using it as a new play toy, so he let it go and strolled away, sauntering toward the sidewalk away from Ari.
    If she was anything like the girl he once knew, she wouldn’t be able to handle his brush off. In fact, he could probably count down to the very second she would stop him. Three, two…
    She growled and stomped her foot. “Hey! Where do you think you’re going?”
    God, he was good. With a healthy grin, he glanced back. Big mistake. She was so goddamn beautiful it took his breath. Holding his scent in his body grew more difficult. He just wanted to tackle her to the ground and fuck her
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