Lessons from David: How to Be a Giant Killer

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Book: Lessons from David: How to Be a Giant Killer Read Online Free PDF
Author: Andrew Wommack
Lord had rejected him. This meant that Saul would ultimately lose the kingdom. His children and family would no longer be royalty; he would lose everything. Yet he wanted Samuel to offer a sacrifice to the Lord with him, so the people would stay with him. He wasn’t as concerned about losing the Lord’s approval as he was about what the people thought. This was one of Saul’s major flaws and it is a distinguishing characteristic of pride and insecurity. The fear of man is a snare (Proverbs 29:25). David’s outlook was the opposite of this.
    The last verse of this chapter says:
And Samuel came no more to see Saul until the day of his death: nevertheless Samuel mourned for Saul: and the LORD repented that he had made Saul king over Israel.

1 Samuel 15:35
    “How Long?”
And the LORD said unto Samuel, How long wilt thou mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? fill thine horn with oil, and go, I will send thee to Jesse the Bethlehemite: for I have provided me a king among his sons.

1 Samuel 16:1
    Saul was God’s first choice to run the kingdom. God regretted that He had made Saul king and then had to reject him. But once that was done—once Saul made his choice—God moved on. God wasn’t living in the past, sitting there sulking, pouting, and brooding over all these things. He said, “I have provided Myself another king from among the sons of Jesse.” The Lord got up and went on with Plan B!
    God is more concerned with getting His plan done than He is about mourning what could have or should have been. On the other hand, Samuel mourned for Saul constantly. Finally, the Lord asked him, “How long are you going to mourn for Saul?”
    This can be a major problem today. People see a move of God and they just want to build three tabernacles and camp there (Matthew 17:4). Yet, it’s time to move on. In the wilderness, there was a cloud that hovered over the tabernacle. When the cloud moved, the Israelites had to get up and move (Exodus 40:36-38). They couldn’t stay there. They had to move on and follow God. He had a place for them to go.
    God has a purpose for your life. Along the way, you’ll encounter individuals who fail and fall away from Him. They may be people you’ve loved and respected. A church leader you idolized may fall into sexual sin, misappropriate money, or otherwise fail. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve seen just fall apart when the person they were leaning on failed. You need to move on and continue with your life in Christ. Don’t let this stop you!
    When It’s Time to Go
    Samuel was beginning to fall into this trap of mourning and stagnation until God spoke to him. “How long are you going to mourn? I’ve rejected Saul. Now you reject him too!” That may sound harsh in light of the New Testament. Know that God will never totally forsake us—but He can move on to Plan B. God can say, “Alright, I’ll use you to the degree that you’re usable, that you allow Me to use you, but I’m not going to let My kingdom suffer. I’ll raise up somebody else to get the job done!” He’ll move on. If God moves on, He takes His anointing and puts it on another person. He takes His anointing from one church and puts it on another. Don’t just sit there and die along with that church. If the glory cloud has lifted, move on! Do what God has told you to do!
    God told Samuel:
Fill thine horn with oil, and go.

1 Samuel 16:1
    In the Old Testament, oil symbolized the Holy Spirit. When they anointed priests and kings with oil, the power of the Holy Spirit came upon them and energized them to be used of God. So basically, the Lord was telling Samuel to quit mourning over Saul. “Forget the things that are behind and look forward to what’s next! Be full of the Holy Ghost and go do what I’ve told you to do.” That’s a powerful word for you and me today.
    There have been times in my life when I was just devastated. Sometimes it was a result of a tragedy, other times
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