Lessons from David: How to Be a Giant Killer

Lessons from David: How to Be a Giant Killer Read Online Free PDF

Book: Lessons from David: How to Be a Giant Killer Read Online Free PDF
Author: Andrew Wommack
it was just a result of negative things that had happened. In these times, my natural tendency was to lose my motivation. I just wanted to sit there and cry, “Oh God, how could this have happened?” During those times the Lord has told me, “Get up, fill your horn with oil and go. Move forward with the vision and mission I’ve given you!” The message God has given me to share is too important for me to sit down and grieve over something bad that’s happened.
    On other occasions, something has occurred that was so wonderful, I just wanted to stay there. When I first started in ministry, I pastored some small groups of people. I laid my life down for them, because I truly loved them. Even though I struggled because my calling and anointing was to be a teacher—not a pastor—I was doing it at the time because the Lord had led me to. When the time came and God was moving me on, I didn’t want to leave those people. I was willing to put the rest of the plans and goals for my life on hold so I could just stay there and be a blessing to those people. But God told me, “Fill your horn with oil and go!”
    It’s not always something negative that’s holding us back. Sometimes it could be a wonderful experience that you’re afraid to leave. Either way, when the cloud of God starts moving, fill your horn with oil and go!
    More Hands in Heaven
    I had some friends who started out in a Presbyterian church. They began ministering to a group of college-aged kids in their home and that eventually grew into a church. However, when it was time to transition from being part of this Presbyterian church to pastoring the new church, it was challenging. Although they loved the people in the other church, they knew God was guiding them to step out and lead this new one. The husband was pretty much ready to go for it, but the wife was really struggling with leaving their old church and the people they had grown to love so much.
    As they prayed about this, holding hands with friends around a kitchen table, the Lord gave the wife a word. He said, “Sometimes you have to let go of the hands you’re holding onto so that there will be more hands around My table in heaven.” In other words, sometimes you have to sacrifice certain relationships in order to go on and fulfill what God has called you to do. We need to be willing to do this. Whether it’s something negative that’s causing us to grieve or something positive that we would rather not leave, when God leads us to move on, we need to fill our horn with oil and go!

Chapter 5
A Heart for God
    Samuel went to Bethlehem and found Jesse. He told him that God had sent him to anoint a king from among his sons. “Therefore, call your house together immediately!” So Jesse’s sons came before the prophet.
And it came to pass, when they were come, that he looked on Eliab, and said, Surely the LORD’s anointed is before him.

1 Samuel 16:6
    Eliab was David’s oldest brother. He was the biggest, strongest, and probably the meanest and toughest too. As a result, Samuel was looking at him and remembering Saul. Saul had been head-and-shoulders taller than anyone else in Israel. He had been the oldest son of his father. The first person that God had chosen to be king was this hunk of a man, so Samuel was just supposing that this was the way it was going to be. When he saw Eliab—the oldest, strongest, tallest, toughest-looking son of Jesse—Samuel commented, “Surely the Lord’s anointed is before me!”
But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.

1 Samuel 16:7
    What an awesome truth! God doesn’t look at us the way man does. David was the runt of the litter. As a matter of fact, David’s own father didn’t think that he had a chance, so he didn’t even put David’s name in the hat. Jesse had
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