Twist of Fate
the courtyard. I pulled it back out of the drawer, tossing it in the garbage. I could hear him laughing behind me as I did. "C'mon, P. I was just teasing. Let's go do something. It's not too hot out, we can go grab a beer or something. Sit outside."
    I still hadn't turned to look at him. I shook him off. "I have so much studying to do. Can I take a rain check?"
    A few seconds went by, and I heard him shuffle closer to me. "Sure. Give me a call." He kissed the back of my head, then the definitive sound of the door shutting came next, and I knew he was gone.  
    "I am going to get you for this. " I immediately typed into my phone, sending off a quick text to Mackenzie. Ten minutes later, and two pages into studying I got a ding. " Guess you got your present. Enjoy!"
    The whole vibrator situation came from her and I spending an entire night discussing orgasms. Apparently, she could get off just thinking about sex, while I wasn't quite sure if I even ever had one. I'd had sex with two people. The first was my freshman year of college.   I was so nervous, and it was over in a matter of minutes, but we dated for a bit. The second guy, Carson, never really cared about getting me excited. If he got off, that was all that mattered. So, Mackenzie always told me to buy one, so I could find my G spot. Never in a million years would I had taken her so seriously. And, thanks to her, Ben would probably picture that thing every time he looked at me, wondering if I was giving the All American whopper my full attention.
    A few hours later I thought about texting Ben to go with me for dinner, but instead I headed to the great room in the dorms to hang out with a few other residents. I'd met some, but only Ellie and a girl from her acting class named Caroline, and I had hit it off. It was still early, and uncharacteristically quiet, so I headed back to my room to grab my laundry. The one great thing about the laundry rooms was the space, and the fact that they were free. You just needed to bring the soap. I was folding some shirts, and pulling out a few dresses to hang dry when my phone chirped. "Hey, I was going to call you earlier," I answered, seeing Ben's name pop up.
    "Listen, I was thinking about hitting downtown. You in?"
    "What's downtown?"
    "You have I.D.?"
    "Yeah, but I'm not sure it's any good."
    "Dress up, we're going dancing. I'll be there in twenty."
    Before I had a chance to even answer him, the phone went dead, and my heart rate skyrocketed.   I gathered my things, running through the halls, and slipped into the bathroom. My face was a mess, my make-up looked like hell, and my hair seemed greasy. Quickly I ran a brush through it, braiding it down the side of my neck, lacing the feathers I had put in before I got here in between. I wiped off any residual make-up, then reapplied it. I was just about to open the closet, when Ellie came strolling in. "Where's the fire?"
    "I'm going dancing with Ben."
    She flopped down on my bed. "You are so lucky. I'm telling you that boy likes you."
    "We're just friends."
    "Mmmhmm, keep telling yourself that."
    I slipped into one of my more flirtier sundresses when my phone dinged. " Downstairs. Can't get in ," the text read. " Be down in two, " I texted back.   I slipped into a pair of silver heels, smiling at my polished toes and the little crystals decorating them.  
    "Don't wait up," I called over my shoulder to Ellie who was smirking.
    I ran down the two flights of stairs, excited, nervous, and then suddenly, I was sweating. What was this night? Was this a date? Was this just two friends hanging out? What were his intentions? Was I doing the right thing? Should I have faked a sudden sickness? But, then I saw him smiling through the front door, and a sudden feeling of ease took over. I looked down one last time nervously at my toes, then pushed through the door.  
    He held out my hand, spinning me around. "Hot damn! Look at you. I'm going to be fighting dudes off all night."
    "This is
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