Lessons from David: How to Be a Giant Killer

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Book: Lessons from David: How to Be a Giant Killer Read Online Free PDF
Author: Andrew Wommack
eight sons, but he only brought the eldest seven as candidates for this job of king of Israel. He thought, David doesn’t stand a chance. Never in a million years would he be picked! David was the youngest. He didn’t look like king material. But God doesn’t look at things the way man does.
    How Do You Evaluate?
    When you evaluate people or physical things, you can’t just evaluate them based on the way they look. Neither can you read a book by simply looking at its cover. (If you had, you wouldn’t be reading these words right now!) God looks on the inside and sees differently than man sees. You need to keep this in mind when you evaluate others.
    This is also true for when other people evaluate you. You don’t need to buy into their evaluation because they may be merely looking on your outward appearance. If you’re born again, you are a brand-new person on the inside. You are a king and priest on the inside. You are a son of God. You’re anointed. You’re powerful. One third of you is “wall-to-wall” Holy Ghost! Don’t let other people’s opinions and evaluations of who you are in the natural realm (your education, looks, talents, voice, and abilities) limit you!
    Our society puts so much emphasis on outward appearance. People are starving themselves to death because they believe that skinny is beautiful and fat is ugly. I’m not saying that I think chubby is beautiful (though some cultures do), but I am saying that we put too much attention on that. Just because you’re overweight, not too good looking, or don’t have the greatest education, doesn’t mean that God can’t use you. Remember 1 Corinthians 1:26-29? God chooses the base, weak, despised, and foolish things to confound the wise. God sees things differently than man does.
    Don’t accept evaluations based on external things only. If you have a relationship with God, that qualifies you. The Lord has put all kinds of good things inside you. You just need to start seeing yourself the way God sees you.
    Is Your Name in the Hat?
Then Jesse called Abinadab, and made him pass before Samuel. And he said, Neither hath the LORD chosen this. Then Jesse made Shammah to pass by. And he said, Neither hath the LORD chosen this.

1 Samuel 16:8-9
    Finally, all seven of the sons present had passed before the prophet. Samuel said, “Nope! None of these are him!” As far as Samuel knew, these were all of the sons of Jesse. Yet he was sensitive enough to God to know that none of them were the right one. Since he knew that God had said that one of Jesse’s sons would be the next king and obviously none of these were him, Samuel asked, “Are these all the sons you have?”
    Jesse answered:
There remaineth yet the youngest, and, behold, he keepeth the sheep. And Samuel said unto Jesse, Send and fetch him: for we will not sit down till he come hither.

1 Samuel 16:11
    At one time, my brother owned a small mechanical shop. He was behind on some bills and his creditors called him, asking for money. One fellow in particular just got mean and vicious and tried to intimidate him. Basically, my brother told him, “Look, here’s the way I do it. I put everybody’s name in a hat. Then I just draw names out and pay bills until I run out of money. I just haven’t picked your name out of the hat yet.”
    The guy snarled, “Well, I want my money!”
    My brother responded, “If you keep bothering me, I’m going to take your name out of the hat!” The guy stopped calling.
    Jesse didn’t even put David’s name in the hat. He didn’t think enough of his youngest son to bring him before the prophet. But Samuel said, “He must be the one! Therefore, none of us are going to sit down until David comes.”
    God Is Looking
    Back then, they couldn’t just call David on his cell phone. There were no cars to drive out to the pasture to get him. David may have been quite a way off in the wilderness, off somewhere keeping the sheep. It must have taken someone traveling on foot
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