Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series)

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Book: Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Robin Keahey
the real me. I had a passion for Christ and
wasn’t afraid to show it. I didn’t stop kids in the hallways and browbeat them
with my Bible or anything. I just didn’t do or say anything that reflected
poorly on my faith. This wasn’t a good thing for my social life, but it didn’t
bother me too much. I had been asked out a few times, but the guys seemed wrong
for me, so I had politely declined.
    Hallie thought I was
shy, but that wasn’t it. I thought my heart was oblivious to those kinds of
feelings, or maybe I was destined to be single. There was nothing wrong with
that. I had a great best friend, a church youth group that kept me busy and a
family that loved me. It didn’t matter that there was no guy for me to walk
with in the hallways, or take me out on dates. I was just fine on my own.
      I made it to third
period with a few minutes to spare. We were reviewing for a section test, and
it was boring. I slumped into my seat at the back of the class, resting my chin
in my hand. I made good grades and had already applied to the college I wanted
to attend, so I figured it was okay to zone out for a few minutes. I must have
fallen asleep though, because I never heard the teacher calling my name. I felt
someone’s fingers brush tenderly down my arm, and my eyes flew open. I glanced
up and found the teacher staring at me.
     “Miss Crane, am I
boring you?”
    I straightened in my
chair, feeling my cheeks begin to redden. “No sir,” I replied.
      “Do you think
you’ll be able to stay awake in my class now?” he asked snidely.
       “Yes sir, Mr. Reid.”
    I was mortified. No
teacher had ever called me out in class before. I heard someone clear their
throat beside me and slowly turned my head. It was Seth Turner, and he was
looking right at me. He was the second hottest guy in 12th grade and was JT’s
best friend. He wagged his fingers at me, and gave me a charming smile.
      No way! That was
him? He was the one who’d woken me up. I mouthed the words “thank you”, and
he nodded his head. I turned back towards the front of the class but still felt
his eyes on me, and I kind of liked it.
      I sat with Hallie
at our usual table near the lunch room doors. She rushed in right after her
last class to get us the good seats so we could people watch, as she called it.
I generally ignored everyone and pushed the food around on my tray. If someone
spoke to me, I would speak back but that was about it. I mainly just waved
occasionally and smiled.
     As I intently
picked at my lunch, trying to determine the ingredients of the mystery
casserole, I felt a hand land on my shoulder. I raised my head, locking eyes
with Seth Turner.
      “Are you awake now
Sleeping Beauty?” he asked, a sly grin spreading across his face.
    The speech part of
my brain apparently stopped functioning, as I sat there groping for the words
to say. I wasn’t very experienced with flirting, like not at all. There were guys
in my youth group that I talked to some, but they were not the flirting kind
and definitely not at church.
      I finally opened
my mouth but all that came out was, “Yeah.” Awesome Katie! Wow him with your
conversation skills.
    He chuckled and
gazed at me a moment longer before walking out the lunch room doors. I turned
to Hallie, her mouth hung wide open.
      “Close your mouth,
girly,” I muttered, squishing her lips together with my fingers.
    She swatted my hand
away. “What did he call you?”
    I shrugged and proceeded
to tell her about the incident in third period.
      “Oh, maybe he
likes you,” she said, wiggling her eyebrows.
      “Nah, he was just
being nice.” I wasn’t about to let myself think it was more than that.
      I made my way to
my locker after last period, replaying the events from the lunch room. Was
Seth calling me beautiful? This was too weird. I had known him since the
fifth grade, but he had never shown any interest in me before. Actually, I
couldn’t even remember him
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