Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series)

Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Robin Keahey
saying more than the occasional “hi” as we passed in
the hallways. I’d always thought he was attractive, not as attractive as his
best friend JT but honestly, nobody in this town was.
    I’d glanced over at
him occasionally in class when school first began, but after we made eye
contact a few times, I got embarrassed and quit. I refused to be one of those
girls that mooned over him. I was sure he got enough of that hanging out with
      Seth was around
six feet tall with light brown, wavy hair that was just long enough to curl at
the collar of his shirt. He had beautiful, forest green eyes with little flecks
of brown mixed in. He had an athletic looking body, not muscled-up like JT but
lean and fit, like a runner. I knew he played football, but I didn’t have a
clue what position. And even though he hung out with JT, I’d never heard
anything negative about him.
      When I reached our
locker, Hallie was already there with a huge grin plastered on her face. “What’s
with that creepy smile?” I asked, a little startled.
    She huffed and
reached up, turning my head to the side. I noticed Seth in the distance, and it
looked as if he was headed in our direction. She’d obviously already spotted
him. I gently pried her hand from my face and tried to compose myself. AsI
watched him get closer, I thought maybe he was just walking by. I didn’t want
to get excited over nothing, but I was wrong. He walked right up to me and stopped.
      “Hey,” he said,
tipping his chin up.
      I was a little
more prepared this time, so I managed to reply, “Hi, Seth,” without sounding
like an idiot.
    He noticed Hallie
behind me and smiled at her. “Hey, Hallie. How are ya?”
      She smiled back sweetly.
“I’m good.”
    He opened his mouth
to say more, when he was interrupted by a hard punch to the shoulder. It was JT
      “Hey, Seth, what’s
up?” he asked, his voice already grating on my nerves.
      Seth rubbed his
shoulder and shot him a dirty look, before jerking his head in my direction. JT
finally noticed me standing there.
    “Whoa! Your eyes are
freaky. Wait, I know you. You’re that Katie Cullen girl,” he said, giving me a
cocky grin.
      I resisted rolling
my eyes, afraid he might comment on them again. “It’s Crane, Katie Crane.”
     Would that
stupid name follow me forever? I
watched as his eyes drifted from my face, went all the way down my body, and back
up. I glanced over at Hallie, but she was too awe struck to notice his
disturbing once-over of me.
      I felt a sharp
pinch in my back, like the kind Mom used to give me in church when she thought
I wasn’t paying enough attention. Ouch! I’m probably going to have a bruise. I turned my head, glaring at her, but her stare never faltered. She jerked her
head towards JT. I assumed that meant she wanted me to introduce her. I huffed
and looked back at JT. “This is my best friend, Hallie,” I said, gesturing to
her with my hand.
       “Yeah, I’ve seen
her around,” he replied, never taking his eyes from me. Wow! He is a real
charmer .
      He stared intently
at my face with a look of curiosity. “So, what’s up with your eyes?”
       With no
hesitation and a serious face, I replied, “I thought you already knew. I’m a
      Seth chuckled and
elbowed JT out of the way. He reached out, running his hand down my ponytail.
“A really cute one too.”
    I blushed and
lowered my head to hide it, but Seth wasn’t having that. He placed his fingers
under my chin, lifting my face back up to his. “I’ve got to go, but I’ll be
seeing you around,” he said, gazing into my eyes. It sounded more like a
promise to me.
      I watched as he
and JT walked away. JT laughed as Seth punched him in the arm. I didn’t care to
know what that punch was for. If I went by my first impression of JT, I would
guess it was probably for something crude.
    I turned back to
Hallie. She looked heartbroken and already had her things together, ready
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