Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series)

Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series) Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Robin Keahey
leave. I knew she was hurt by JT’s reaction to officially meeting her. I
decided right then to let the little pinching incident go, even if it left a
      I walked her to
the parking lot and watched as she threw her things down in the passenger seat
of her car. She turned to me with tears shining in her eyes. I pulled her in
for a tight hug as I felt my own tears rolling down my cheeks.
    “Oh Hallie, I’m so
sorry JT hurt your feelings.”
       She sniffed and
wiped her nose on my shoulder. I ignored it. I had no problem with icky. “I’ve
had a crush on him forever. I thought he brushed up against me in line on
purpose. I’m such an idiot,” she blubbered before pulling herself together and
letting out a deep breath.
      I let her go and
looked down at her sweet pixie face. My heart broke for her. She was sensitive
and had always worn her heart on her sleeve.
      “You are not an
idiot. He is, if he can’t see how great you are. God has someone special just
for you, and we both know it wouldn’t be someone like JT. You’ve got to be
    She gave me a watery
smile, reached over and cleaned off my shoulder where she’d previously wiped
her nose. “I’m sorry about that,” she said, rubbing her hand on her pants.
“Thanks for being such a great friend. I’m okay now.”
    She gave me another
hug before getting in her car. She checked her make-up, gave me a small smile,
and drove away. 
    I strolled over to
my car and slowly made my way home. My head filled with questions, and my
stomach filled with butterflies.
      “Mom, I’m home,” I
yelled, throwing my backpack down on the couch.
    “I’m in my room,
honey,” she called from upstairs.
     Mom and Dad had
been married for twenty years. They’d been high school sweethearts and were
still so in love. I’d catch the two of them holding hands and kissing, but it
didn’t gross me out. It was all I knew. I was used to it. They were wonderful
parents, and I knew they loved me very much. I didn’t have many rules, just
keep my room clean and help with the laundry. I was respectful and didn’t cause
any trouble. An only child, I sometimes wished I had a sibling, but Mom had a
rough pregnancy with me, and her doctor suggested she not have more children.
    We had what I
guessed was a normal life- school, work, church, dinners together, and regular
vacations in the summer. Our life was nothing extravagant, maybe even a little
boring, but we were comfortable, and I was content with that.
      I walked into her
room, where she was getting her school clothes ready for the next day. She
taught elementary school and was excellent at it. Always kind and patient, she
was loved by all of her students.
      “How was your day?”
she asked as I flopped down on her bed.
    I grabbed her
pillow, hugging it to my chest. “Weird.”
      We had a great
relationship and talked about all kinds of stuff but not about guys. It never
really came up.
      “Weird, why’s
that?” she asked as she sat next to me on the bed. She reached over and began
to play with my ponytail. It was a habit she had ever since I was two and finally
grew some hair. She’d been afraid I was going to be bald forever.
      I informed her
about my day at school but left out Seth’s name. She was quiet for a moment, as
it all sunk in.
      “Sleeping Beauty,
huh? That was original. Who’s the guy?” she asked, sounding a bit concerned.
      I glanced up at
her beautiful sweet face. Her warm brown eyes shined with curiosity.
      I hugged the pillow
tighter and cleared my throat. “It was Seth Turner,” I murmured.
      Her hand paused in
my hair for a second before she resumed stroking it, but it was enough that I
      She smiled
brightly. “I know his mom. She talks about him quite a bit. He sure is a cutie
      I couldn’t have
stopped my grin even if I had wanted to. “Yeah, he’s pretty cute.”
    I sat up, ready to
leave, but she grabbed my hand.
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