I Know You Love Me

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Book: I Know You Love Me Read Online Free PDF
Author: Aline de Chevigny
than a simple attraction. He wanted her, but not for a single night. He wanted her forever and a day. Drew was beyond caring if she'd had sex with Jimmy or not; he was no saint himself. Allison had a vulnerability about her he felt impelled to protect and a sadness he wanted to wash away.
    Movement from the bed snapped him back to the situation at hand. “Oh, damn you, woman. Yes. Yes, I did have to ruin this for you. I should be the one in that bed with you, not him!” Grabbing her shoulders he pulled her into a kiss that wiped all coherent thought from his mind. The moment her arms came up around his neck and her body pressed up against his, he knew he'd finally found the one he'd been searching for.
    "It's about time!” Jimmy teased.
    Drew was both grateful and disgusted with Jimmy for interrupting the moment. He'd never forgotten there was another person in the room before while kissing a woman. That he could lose himself in her so completely...he knew he'd lost his battle and fallen for her.
    "I'm...I'm going to shower now.” Her hand came up to caress her lips as she backed quickly away from him. “This can't happen, Drew; it's wrong. It's against regulations. You need to leave now. I'll drop off the documents for you to sign in a few days. If you have any questions, you can call my office and I'll be more than happy to answer them all for you. Over the phone."
    "Woman, have you lost your mind?” She was the one he'd been waiting for, and he refused to let her go over some damned regulations.
    "This cannot ...no, will not... happen again. Therefore, we can't be in the same room together—not even with others around—ever again. I'm leaving."
    Drew blocked her exit. “Like hell you are. I've finally come to terms with my feelings for you, and I'm not letting you go now. That kiss told me two things: one, you're just as attracted to me as I am to you, and two...” He'd never had a woman look at him with such intense fear in her eyes before. It made him doubly determined to have her for himself.
    Planting her hands on her hips, she scowled at him. “What? Why do you keep doing that?"
    "You're mine!"
    "No...” She started backing away from him, her head shaking in denial so violently he was afraid she'd hurt herself. “No...no...no...no...no. I need to leave."
    "You aren't going anywhere but home with me, and we are not leaving there until we settle this! Damn it, Allison, it's not every day I find the perfect woman.” Seeing that she was about to start arguing with him again, Drew advanced on her. He was tired of having an audience—especially one who was enjoying this little argument as obviously as Jimmy was.
    "Even if I have to carry you over there kicking and screaming,” he finished.
    "You're mad. You have seriously lost your mind. I can't leave the house dressed like this and go traipsing all over town."
    Drew grinned and leaned against the nearest wall, making sure to keep her escape route blocked. “You don't have to."
    "Then how do you expect me..."
    "Honey, I live right next door. You can look into my kitchen from the window over Jimmy's sink."
    Allison narrowed her eyes at him and stepped forward. “Then you should have known about game night."
    Drew couldn't look her in the eyes, but he didn't have to tell her the truth. She could see it in his posture. His eyes told her everything.
    "You weren't home, were you? You spent the night with some woman, and now I'm supposed to be your next conquest? No way, Mister. Forget it. I will not be another notch on..."
    Drew stopped her rant the only way he knew how, and kissing her made him feel better. He wasn't proud of going to another woman so he wouldn't need to witness their date once they got home, but it was the only thing he could think of to stay sane.
    "Ahem, excuse me but...I'd rather not witness what's about to happen next. I'd rather you not do it here in my room while I'm in bed trying to sleep for my shift later. Allison, sweetheart, if you
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