How could she think she hurt me when she sat on my lap?"
"I know how you feel, and you can thank McHenry for that, but, Drew, I do need to tell you something."
He knew Jimmy's news was too good to be true. “Jimmy, if you're about to tell me that you slept together..."
"I kissed her after she won at poker, but..."
"So you did sleep with her.” Linking his hands together, Drew rested them on the folder. “That's the end of that insanity."
"That, Drew, is between me and Allison. You know better than to ask that question. We don't talk about our women."
He's right; he also knows I don't go after the women he's bedded, so why are we still having this conversation? Drew stood and headed toward the door. No sense making Denise, wait much longer. “I need to go."
Jimmy moved to intercept him. “Will you pursue her, Drew?"
"We have one rule that's never been broken. I don't see why that should change now. Besides, she's gone in forty eight hours. Out of sight out of mind."
Jimmy threw his empty coffee cup at him and flashed him a look of disgust before getting up to leave. “You are an idiot!"
Drew glared back, following him to his desk. “What gives you the right to call me an idiot?"
"Thirty-odd years of friendship. You'll be happy to learn that Allison isn't staying home tonight to pine over you. She has a date with Andrew McHenry tonight at nine."
That stopped Drew in his tracks. “What?"
"Well, like you said, she's gone soon anyway, and they do have a history. They were engaged, and you were right about the chemistry. Personally, I'm thrilled for her..."
"She can't go out on a date with McHenry; she's mi...” Seeing Jimmy's triumphant look, he growled angrily and ordered the man back into his office.
"She doesn't really have a date tonight, does she?"
Grinning, Jimmy sat back down and put his feet up on the desk. “Oh, but she does. McHenry called her cell this morning and told her he wanted to talk. At first she told him where he could go and hung up on him. But then she overheard Gertrude talking about your date and called him back and agreed to meet him. So I repeat, you are a fool!"
Grabbing his hat and jacket, Drew let out a string of curses all the way out of the precinct.
* * * *
* * * *
Drew couldn't focus on his paperwork; Allison was an hour late, and in the few days he'd known her, she was never late. Early—often exceedingly so, but never late. “Where the hell is she? It's almost three pm."
"Christ.” Looking up at Gertrude, Drew tried to keep the scowl from his face. “Where's Jimmy?"
"He went home about an hour ago; you scheduled him for a split shift today."
"I'll be back,” he told her, heading out to his car. He needed to get to Jimmy's before his mind played out the rest of the scenarios he was imagining. Reaching the house, he all but ran to the door and knocked.
"Sheriff, what are you doing here?” A quick glance back over his shoulder told Drew, Jeremy knew exactly why he was there.
"Jeremy, where's your brother?"
Jeremy pulled himself up to his full five feet, nine inches, and held his head high in arrogance. “He's in bed; you scheduled him to work a split shift today, Remember?"
So I've been told! Damn it all. Why is everyone giving me attitude today? “I need to talk to him for a minute. You can go back to whatever you were doing. I can let myself in.” When Jeremy got in his way and blocked his path, Drew was impressed with the kid's determination to keep him out.
"No offense, Sheriff, but I don't think you should go in there."
Having Jeremy call him Sheriff twice in a five minute span, when he'd known him his entire life got his attention and flared his suspicion. “And why the hell not?"
"Cause he's not alone!"
"That dear boy is exactly why I need to go in there. Sorry, kid. I know you mean well, but this is important."
* * * *
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Chapter Four
Drew opened the bedroom door and saw his worst nightmare come to