The Husband Hunt - Kat's Season (The Bachelor Series)

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Book: The Husband Hunt - Kat's Season (The Bachelor Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kiki Abbott
two child actors from the movie. Kat shook everyone’s hands and watched how the men reacted to the kids. Some were more engaged than others. When they brought out a tiny terrier of some sort, mangy and sparkly eyed , Kat smiled at the men, her eyebrows raised.
    “This is “Harley the W onder Dog!” the ten year old boy announced.
                 “He’s kinda hyper,” the smaller girl said.
                 “So gentlemen,” Kat announced. “One of you gets to be in a scene with me and we are going to decide who in a little contest. Harley here will be the judge.” Several of the men looked nervously over at the small dog, who sat obediently on his leash. “All you need to do is call him over. Whoever he goes to first, gets to do the scene with me.”
                 Tony looked confident, like he knew dogs well, Keith the landscaper nodded with enthusiasm and Colton the Cowboy Dad spoke first. “Is it a love scene?”
                 The men laughed.
    “You’ll see. Just make Harley your friend,” she teased, throwing her hair back and smiling coyly. Lance, the actor who waited tables between acting jobs, looked smug, nodding and looking around like he finally figured out why he was on this reality show. “Do dogs like you , Lance?” she asked.
                 Someone said “Takes one to know one” and the group chuckled.
                 After each man got a chance to play with Harley and ingratiate themselves to the twelve pound wonder, they lined up thirty feet away and spaced themselves. The animal trainer walked the little dog by each of the men one last time, and took him back to the starting line.
                 “Gentlemen,” Crane said. “When I say ‘go” you will begin. You can try any way you like to get Harley to run to you first. Just stay on your mark. The man who wins, gets to be in the movie with Kat.”
                 Crane counted off and quietly said “Go.” At that point Lance lay tummy down on the ground with his head in his hands, making high squeaky noises and patting the ground before most men knew what to do. Keith whistled and crouched, Sam, the restaurant owner from Monterrey yelled ‘treat, cookie, here boy” and anything else he could think of, and Tony pretended he had a cat in his arms, saying ‘nice kitty kat”, petting the air and flashing suggestive grins at Kat. But Harley must’ve been on a command to stay put and when the trainer blew a whistle, the little dog took off for Lance who was still down at the dog’s level making squeaky noises. The other guys groaned when Harley went straight for Lance and the game was over. The handsome actor scooped up the terrier in his arms and let him kiss his face. “I had bacon for breakfast, didn’t I? Didn’t I?”
                 Kat chuckled that this man who looked like he could be playing a handsome vampire on TV would be soft and sweet with the little dog.
                 “Lance,” Crane put his hand on the actor’s shoulder. “The scene you are doing involves Harley running down the stairs and into your arms. Kat will be standing with you.”
    As the men laughed and teased Lance that he didn’t get a love scene with Kat, the director set up the shot and explained their part in the scene. At the end of the shot, what no one knew was that Kat had been instructed to kiss Lance for saving her dog. Four takes later, they had what they wanted and Lance was four great kisses into his doomed relationship with Kat. The guys yelled, “That last one was good enough,” and various comments about the kiss and Kat whispered to Lance, “thanks for being a good sport.” This opportunity was golden for an out of work actor and Kat knew that unless Lance told her he had a way to support himself better than acting, he was a goner at the next rose ceremony. Earlier he’d confessed that his last acting job was months before.
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