I Know You Love Me

I Know You Love Me Read Online Free PDF

Book: I Know You Love Me Read Online Free PDF
Author: Aline de Chevigny
life. Jimmy was lying in bed, gently holding the one woman he couldn't get out of his head in his arms while she slept. Unexpected pain flared in his chest.
    "Uhmmm Jimmy?"
    "Ms. McKay you're late.” Drew watched her crack open an eyelid just enough to look at the man holding her while she'd slept, then burrow back into the crook of his arm.
    "Now I know I'm losing my mind,” Allison grumbled.
    "Why exactly is that, Ms. McKay?"
    Her head came up, the blanket slowly sliding down her chest to reveal Jimmy's college jersey covering her body. He didn't like seeing her wearing that piece of clothing one bit. Seeing her in the jersey was worse than if she'd been naked. They'd always had one thing in common, he and Jimmy—they never let anyone wear their jerseys.
    "Do you always enter other men's bedrooms, Sheriff?"
    "Only when I know he's in bed with the woman who's been keeping me waiting for the past two hours.” A woman he knows I care about, and after he had just promised not to stand in the way of my pursuit.
    "Care to explain why you couldn't just call?"
    I was jealous, and needed to know for sure if I was right. Schooling his features into a scowl, he tore his eyes away from her body. “Can we please just get back to the station and finish that damned audit now?"
    Sighing, she ran her hands through her hair. “Very well, I'll give you until six pm."
    Drew stood transfixed, unable to look away when she started to get out of bed. The dark blue comforter pooled around her hips. Jimmy never once even stirred. How the man could sleep like the dead with the woman of his dreams in his bed, Drew would never understand.
    "Aren't you going to get out of here?” Allison asked in annoyance.
    He watched as her eyebrows rose into her hairline and her head tilted to the side, but she'd stopped moving out of the bed, which annoyed him further.
    "I'm not going anywhere until you're ready to go."
    "Jimmy...Jimmy wake up!” Allison nudged his shoulder.
    Drew's jealousy started boil when he saw Jimmy try to pull Allison back down into the bed. The lying, double crossing son of a bitch, he'll be on graveyard till I die, for this.
    "Allison, unless I'm hogging the blankets, or Drew is standing over my bed, I really do need to sleep. I've gotta work later. Come back down here and keep me warm."
    Laughing softly, she gently brushed his hands away. “Jimmy, we have company. Drew is standing over the bed."
    "What are you talking about?"
    She leaned down next to his ear and whispered something so softly Drew couldn't over hear it, but whatever she said made Jimmy bolt upright in bed, suddenly awake.
    "Shit. Drew, this isn't..."
    Drew waved him silent; he'd had enough. “Save it, Jimmy. I just want to finish this damned audit tonight so that I don't have to deal with this woman anymore."
    Jimmy threw him a disgusted look and turned back to Allison. “Sweetie, why don't you go shower; your clothes should be clean by now."
    Her slow crawl over Jimmy in the bed made him groan and deepened the resentment Drew felt toward the man.
    "Fine, but he'd better be gone when I get back. I don't approve of a man barging into a room knowing there is a lady present."
    "I promise to take care of this. Please, just go."
    The moment she stood, Drew felt his whole body come to life. The woman was everything he wanted in a partner—beautiful, smart, sexy, and opinionated. That combination was difficult to ignore.
    Wiping a hand over her face, Allison deflated before him. “I don't know what you have against me, Sheriff, or why you seem to dislike me so much, but it's been a really long time since I've met a guy who likes me enough to share his bed with me. Did you really need to ruin that for me?"
    Yes. He couldn't bring himself to actually say the word, but he truly meant it. Well, damn I didn't see that coming.
    The annoyance in her voice combined with the hurt on her face did him in. What he felt for this tiny woman was more
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