she’s gotten herself into is fucking dangerous. She needs to know this. I pull the gun from her grip and bring my body forward, pressing into her as she presses into the wall behind her. I tower over her, and she slinks back into the wall as far as she can. I bring my lips down to her ear.
“You pull a gun on a guy , you better know what the fuck you’re doing, or you’re going to get your ass killed,” I whisper.
She flinches and pre sses herself even further against the wall. She has no hope of escaping and doesn’t even look like she wants to. Her face contorts into an uncomfortable bunch as she realizes, I think, how fucked she really is. She pulled a goddamn gun on a fucking police officer. If I thought she was crazy beforehand, I had no clue.
“ Now, you wanna explain to me why you just pulled a fucking gun on me?”
H er eyes shift around nervously. “Do I have any chance of making it out of this hotel room?” she asks.
Her attitude has blossomed, going from terrified to annoyed all in the matter of a few seconds. Her tears dry up , and her back leaves the wall. She’s no longer afraid, no longer wilting. And it’s only now that I realize her terror was only partially real, if even.
“ Not without a pair of handcuffs you don’t,” I say, narrowing my eyes.
She bites her bottom lip, a small laugh dying in her throat. She looks up at me through her lashes and leans into me, pressing her small, curvy frame against me. Her jeans and jacket cover all the curves of her flesh, but I can feel her ample breasts pressed against my lower chest. She’s less than a foot shorter than me, but not by much. She leans her face closer, and I tip my head down.
Her large gray eyes draw me in. Her soft lips part and she whispers, “Is the handsome officer into kink? Because I think I might like that.”
Internally, I groan. I fight to keep a straight face and to avoid reacting in the slightest. Bad girl. She’s a bad girl. She’s not some innocent victim. She’s not some sweet girl who’s been played. She’s a player, and I’m about to be played, which is so not happening.
This girl has got this body that practically sings to me. She’s not very tall and she’s all covered up , but I can tell that underneath her clothes she’s got these legs that I’d liked wrapped around me, and she’s curvy in all the right places. And she’s all big eyes and playing the victim. I’m a sucker for a hot chick with side of crazy, but I refuse to let this happen. I’ve only had my badge a week, and I’m not about to lose it over this piece of ass. Her eyes dance in excitement.
A cell phone rings, snapping me out of my trance. It’s not mine. This ringtone is full of an obnoxious drilling noise that makes me want to gouge my eyeballs out. Shelby’s eyes fall, no longer dancing, no longer mischievous. She gulps , and her body locks in place. A genuine fear, the first I’ve seen since the restaurant, closes in on her, marking her face. I look down at her jeans pocket and realize that’s where the awful sound is emanating from. Her eyes follow mine, and one of her hands covers her pocket as if to silent the ringing.
“Hand it over,” I say.
She obviously doesn’t want me to have the phone, because her hand works faster now, frantic to stop the shrill sound. Her head shakes minutely. I let out a great sigh of annoyance and press my body against hers, flat to the wall. She sucks in a breath, her stomach contracting, and then slowly lets it out, closing in the space between our bodies. I check the safety on the Glock just once and then stick it in the back of my jeans. I let one hand trail up Shelby’s belly and between her breasts, my fingers lightly grazing the edges of her brown leather jacket. She sucks in a shaky breath and her cheeks heat.
My hand traces the corners of her face, past her hairline , and then slams hard against the wall beside her head. She shrieks as her eyes well up and once again presses
M. Zachary Sherman, Mike Penick
Dates Mates, Inflatable Bras (Html)