Kisses for the Billionaire: Final Kiss
over, you’ll get to see him yourself and then you’ll see that my conscience is clear.”
    He pulled away from me, the anger on his face unmistakable as he climbed back onto his feet.
    “David, don’t be like that, I…”
    “You what, Carrie? From where I’m standing all I can see is judgement in your eyes. I did what I thought was best for the people I love. I would do anything to protect you and Jenson, and when the new baby arrives, I would do anything to protect her too, even if that meant getting blood on my hands…”
    “I know that, it was by my hand that Taylor died nobody else. I know what if feels like to have to protect the ones you love.”
    “Then why do I feel like you’re seeing me differently now that you know the truth?”
    “I don’t know, maybe I am… Maybe the thought of you planning something like that makes me think that perhaps I don’t know you as well as I thought I did.”
    It was a mistake the moment the words left my mouth and I knew it. It wasn’t even true, that wasn’t how I viewed the situation at all but I didn’t fully understand the complexities of my own emotions and so explaining them to someone else made it almost impossible to actually make sense of it all.
    Even if that someone else was David.
    He stared down at me, the shock registering first in his eyes and then spreading down through the rest of his body. I watched his jaw tighten, his shoulders drawing up and back as his body became rigid.
    “I thought we were past all of that, Carrie, clearly I was wrong…” He turned on his heel and strode out of the room, leaving me behind to stare after him.
    How could I have been so wrong, so cruel and unthinking? Of course I knew who he was and it hypocritical to even let a thought like that slip into my head for even a second.
    I’d worried that he would look at me differently once he knew the danger I placed our unborn child in. Instead, he’d been the one to apologise, to tell me that he hadn’t done enough to protect us when I knew that wasn’t true.
    I was a fool. My own doubts and insecurities always getting in my way and landing me in trouble.
    And if I wasn’t careful those same doubts and insecurities would cost me the man I loved…

    S tepping out of the shower I contemplated climbing into the bed that sat in the middle of the floor. It was still covered in the rose petals that David had strewn across it from earlier and I just couldn’t bring myself to disturb them.
    My head ached and my heart was heavy but as I let the towel drop so I could begin to dress the baby kicked once more. It was about the only thing in my life that was going in the direction I wanted.
    Pressing my hands against my stomach I imagined what it would be like to hold her in my arms. Would she look like Jenson?
    I’d come so close to losing her and the emotion welled up within me. Why was it that every time our life seemed to be finding some semblance of balance something else came along to knock it off track? When would we have a break from it all?
    The sound of the doorbell made me jump.
    Wrapping my towel around myself once more I hurried to the window and peered out between the heavy drapes. One of Aaron’s cars sat in the driveway, the two easily recognisable bodyguards next to it a dead giveaway that it was in fact his car.
    How did he fit into all of this? Why did he have so much contact with this Killian, he had to know why David had planned to do what he had. Aaron of all people should have understood what that was like.
    He’d come far too close to almost losing Heather to the psychopath that was Jude Fossen, he’d done things that many would consider crossing the line just to ensure her safety. So why now was he helping this other man by bringing him to David?
    None of it made any sense.
    What was it about this Killian Ashcroft that made him such a threat to Andy and Dominic, why kill him?
    I wasn’t going to get the answers to my questions by standing up in my
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