gives the orders around here?” he questioned softly.
Her brows lifted. “What?”
“I said, who gives the orders around here, you or I?”
She kicked up her chin, arriving at his meaning. “Go to hell.”
He made a tsking sound, flipping her over his knees and delivering a quick flurry of spanks.
“You like spanking, don’t you?” she cried, wriggling over his lap. “You’re a sadist. Why am I always getting spanked?”
“Because, my dear, you’re lower on the food chain,” he said, chuckling.
“Ack,” she cried, squirming. “Ah...stop, dammit!”
To give her a taste of vampire strength, he lifted her entire body from his knees and spun her in the air to place her on her feet. He pulled her shirt off over her head.
“Hey, what are you doing?”
“Every time you sass me you will lose an article of clothing. You may earn it back by showing your subservience to me.”
“Are you fucking kidding—wait,” she cried as he reached for her shorts. “I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry, your royal highness.”
He pursed his lips. “I think I’m going to go with sassy on that one,” he said, grabbing her pink bra in between her breasts, and yanking her forward. He sliced the fabric in two with his fangs and let it fall to the floor.
Her hands flew to cover her breasts, her face a mask of rage. Underneath the anger, she appeared shaken, and this time she seemed to consider her words before she spoke. “You owe me a new bra,” she said sullenly.
He lifted an eyebrow. “You may never get to wear a bra again at the rate you’re going.”
She glowered.
He made a show of letting his eyes travel to the two pert breasts protruding from behind her hands.
Her face flushed a pretty pink. “What do I have to do to earn it back?”
“Kneel,” he ordered.
“What?” she asked indignantly, even as her eyes pleaded for mercy.
“You heard me. On your knees at my feet.”
“What for?” she asked warily, her eyes traveling to his crotch.
He hadn’t intended anything like that, but his cock thickened in response to the idea.
“I could just go put another bra on,” she tested.
“And I could just glamour you to walk down Congress Street topless.”
“You wouldn’t dare!”
“Try me, little fairy. I can be a real dick.”
She stood there, the muscles in her jaw clenching and releasing for a long moment. Finally, she huffed and lowered to her knees.
His face split into a wide smile. He took her shoulders and eased her back to sit on her heels instead of standing upright on her knees. “Thank you for your obedience, Sasha. Remove your hands.”
Her eyes shot to his, her mouth opening, forming a protest, which she seemed to think better of. She threw down her hands all at once, lifting her chin and her sternum as if to inform him she had nothing to hide.
Indeed, she had not. Her breasts were perfection, the size of apples, the rosy nipples ripe for sucking. He reached out and cupped one, running his thumb over the pebbled tip.
She flinched, but did not move, color flushing her cheeks and neck, her breath short.
“I thought—” She stopped and cleared her throat when her voice cracked. “I thought you weren’t demanding this sort of thing,” she reminded him.
He dropped his hand with an effort at self-control. “I’m not. But if I must punish you, all bets are off.”
He smelled her arousal again. Reaching a hand between her thighs, he trailed his index finger over the seam at her crotch, causing her to draw a sharp intake of breath. “Will you be good, Sasha?”
“Y-yes,” she said, her voice warbling.
He pinched the outer lips of her sex through her shorts and she whimpered. “Good girl,” he murmured. “You may get dressed.”
He released her and tossed her the shirt, standing up and walking away as if he didn’t have the bluest balls on the planet.
Yes, torturing her would be a torture to him too, but the sweetest kind.
“I ordered books for you to study,”