His Captive Mortal
Charlie informed her from her bedroom. He was walking around it, picking up her things and examining them. “But they won’t be here until tomorrow, so we’ll practice with your bubble today. Is that your only trick?”
    She nibbled her lip. “When I was a kid, I swore I could make the wind blow.” She had remembered that the night before, as she’d considered Charlie’s claim that she possessed some kind of power.
    He looked at her thoughtfully. “Can you make it blow inside?”
    She gave a bark of embarrassed laughter. “I don’t even think I can do it outside, anymore. I don’t know if it ever really happened, or I just believed I could do it.”
    He considered her. “You could,” he said, as if he knew it definitively. “Try it—right here and now.”
    She closed her eyes, remembering how she used to climb to the top of a hill, spread her arms and lift her face up, saying, “blow wind, blow!” She imagined the feel of wind on her face, of her hair lifting in the currents.
    A wisp of air, so light it could be in her imagination, breezed past her face.
    Her eyes flew open. “Did you see anything?”
    Charlie smiled. “Very good, fairy. Now send it my way.” He held up his palms.
    She drew a breath and imagined feeling the wind at her back, blowing her clothing forward. A tiny current of air ruffled her sleeve, then died away.
    “Again,” Charlie ordered.
    “Did you feel that?”
    “I did. I want you to do it again. Stronger this time.”
    Already the two tries had exhausted her. “I don’t know how,” she complained.
    Charlie strode over to her and cupped her chin. She thought he would threaten to remove her clothing again, or scold or spank her, but instead, he looked down at her warmly. “You’re doing very well, little fairy. The more you use it, the more power you’ll have. I need you to keep practicing for me.”
    His approval should not have warmed her, turning her gooey inside.
    “It’s...tiring,” she managed to say, still lost in his blue-eyed gaze.
    “Do you need a snack?” When she nodded, he moved his hand to her nape, turned her and guided her toward the kitchen. There, he pulled a chair out for her. “Sit,” he said. “Now, try again. Blow the curtains over there.”
    As much for her own curiosity as to satisfy his demands, she continued to practice the skill. After several attempts, the curtains lifted and waved in the air as if the window wasn’t boarded shut.
    “Well done,” Charlie said, setting a plate of the same graham cracker treat she’d made the night before in front of her. “Now, show me your protective bubble again.”
    She threw it up and he flashed back to give her room. As with the initial time, at first she didn’t see her creation, but once he showed her the edges with his hands, her eyes found the invisible outline, catching the shimmer.
    He poked and prodded the bubble, able to distort its shape, but not puncture it. “Can you make it thicker?” he asked. When she tried and succeeded, he demanded she make it rigid, then change its color. It seemed there was no limit to how she could use her imagination to alter the image. Despite all her annoyance and fears over having the crazy vampire in her space, her excitement over her own latent abilities grew, making it almost worth it.
    “Come over here and face this white wall,” he said. She stood as he directed and he stood behind her, grasping her shoulders. “Hold your hand out in front of you, and look at the energy surrounding it. Tell me if you see any colors.”
    “What is it, an aura?”
    “I don’t know. I see it only faintly, and most mortals don’t see anything at all. But that doesn’t mean it’s not there.” He spoke with his lips close to her ear, so she couldn’t concentrate on anything but the thrum of excitement at his nearness, his masculine smell and the memory of his fingers tweaking her sex. “What do you see, love?”
    She shivered, seeing nothing.
    “Shall I tell you
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