Green Smoothie Magic - 132+ Delicious Green Smoothie Recipes That Trim And Slim

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Book: Green Smoothie Magic - 132+ Delicious Green Smoothie Recipes That Trim And Slim Read Online Free PDF
Author: Gabrielle Raiz
food (mostly organic and raw) with plenty of green leafy vegetables, a complement of fruit, good quality sea salt and some exercise are keys to your health.

    But I Can Eat A Salad!
    You may say that you already eat well. If you’ve purchased this book (and I thank you for that!) then you either have a great or growing awareness around what is good nutrition.
    The amazing thing that green smoothies do is to power-pack enormous amounts of the nutrients and goodness of those incredible greens into an easy to drink and easy to digest format.
    I LOVE salad. At dinner times we have somewhere between 1 and 5 different raw salads. The easiest way to make the salad the main focus of your eating life is to make great ones.

    Smoothies allow you to have these highly nutritious greens in your ‘diet’ in far greater quantities than most people would eat at one sitting. Of course, if you would generally eat that amount at one sitting then that’s still wonderful. Making green leafy vegetables palatable for just about anyone is where smoothies really come into their own.
    Let me put it this way: It is a veritable chore convincing my daughter to eat one tiny broccoli floret. Now I can give her a smoothie that has 2 handfuls of broccoli and she enjoys it. Yippee.
    It’s a win-win situation. She gets the benefits of a more balanced ‘diet’ with a truly magnificently nutritious vegetable and the whole family feels great about that.

    Get More Out Of Your Greens
    You have a choice. You can juice your fruit and vegetables and you can blend them. There are reasons to do both. I really love the feeling of a good juice. I often create a beet, carrot, ginger, kale juice with a squeeze of lemon. It’s refreshing and delicious.
    You get a ton of nutrients immediately available with juicing. However, what juices miss out on providing is a good amount of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. Fiber is one of the keys to a well-functioning digestive and excretion system.
    There is no juicing in this book. When I am making a smoothie, I really don’t want to clean 2 machines. I love juicing but I don’t want to clean the juicer because a recipe calls for ½ a cup of carrot juice.
    When you blend your fruit and vegetables (such as when you create your smoothie magic) you want to have the nutrients, the fiber and all the goodness you can extract so it’s available pronto. Breaking down the cell walls in your greens by blending is the key to extracting the most you can. When the cell walls are pulverized the nutrients are more readily available to your body.
    When it comes to greens I don’t think there’s a more accessible nutritionally packed easily ingestible food on the entire planet.

    There’s Protein In Them There Greens!
    Just about every vegetarian or vegan I know has been asked at one time or another a very curious (and sometimes silly and infuriating) question: “ Where do you get your protein? ”
    A not so silly answer is to point people in a couple of directions. One is to let them know that at a human’s most important growth period, as babies, that breast milk can solely sustain a child for months and months and it only has 1.1% protein, and only 6% of the calories from this milk are provided by that protein.
    The other great fact is that the largest animals on the planet (apart from whales) including elephants, hippos, rhinos, gorillas and long lean strong giraffes are all vegetarian or herbivores. That’s an impressive (and incomplete) list.

    Protein is important for growth and if you’re a child they’re more important than for an adult. They are important for repair too. Be careful not to include too much protein. Those diets that are low carbs and high protein overwhelm the system in many ways, especially the kidneys.
    Go for balance in your food choices. You don’t need to do anything fancy. Eat a variety of your protein sources and, if you’re eating them regularly you’ll get the full complement of essential
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