Green Smoothie Magic - 132+ Delicious Green Smoothie Recipes That Trim And Slim

Green Smoothie Magic - 132+ Delicious Green Smoothie Recipes That Trim And Slim Read Online Free PDF

Book: Green Smoothie Magic - 132+ Delicious Green Smoothie Recipes That Trim And Slim Read Online Free PDF
Author: Gabrielle Raiz
amino acids.
    Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and are essential to our growth and good health and I talk about them in the next section.
    Protein Digestion, Preserving Nutrients, Raw And Cooked ...
    Essentially you want to consume foods that collectively will provide the full array of amino acids. You will find your amino acids in foods that are not made entirely of protein (they also have fats and carbohydrates). Keep in mind that there really are only a handful of 100% protein foods. They are all processed to some degree and include egg whites, boiled shrimp, non-fat cottage cheese and fat-free turkey breast.
    Eggs, which have no carbs, are only pure protein if you don’t eat the yolk. Fish is low in carbohydrate but not devoid of them. It’s clear that none of these foods can form the mainstay of a healthy diet. And incidentally, none of them will make it into any of your green smoothies!
    All nutritious foods have a complex profile of ingredients. It’s we as humans who try to categorize them so they can fit into boxes. You’ll be dismissing and including foods on your smoothie inclusion list based on nutritional value and their ability to blend well.
    Many foods that are considered ‘carbohydrates’ have significant proportions of protein in them. Take raw spinach. Thanks to Popeye most people will know that spinach has a high amount of protein. According to it has 56% carbs and 30% protein. Broccoli has 64% carbs and 26% protein.
    Chia seeds are regarded as a high source of protein (36% carbs, 53% fats and 11% protein) and more importantly they are a source of all the essential amino acids (complete protein).
    While we’re on that point, there are definitely certain foods that lend themselves to smoothie-ing and others that don’t. I recommend you don’t let dogmatic food combining principles based solely on numbers or calorie counting get in the way of logic and a nutritious smoothie.
    Don’t Overthink Your Nutrition
    I’d like you to simplify your approach to your decision-making when it comes to food. Go for a variety of high nutrient foods. Don’t bamboozle yourself with percentages of what’s in them. How could you possibly keep track? And how can we as humble humans understand the complexity of their interactions beyond scientific data (which in itself is just an interpretation)?
    Concern yourself with acquiring the best quality food, organic or pesticide-free if you can manage it and eat a range or complement of different things. If you’re vegan and vegetarian know enough about where to get all your essential amino acids, your essential fatty acids in the right proportions across your diets, your iron and your vitamin B12. That’s just common sense and about your healthy survival.
    And, no matter who you are, drink at least 2 liters of water every day and consume good quality sea salt.

    Keeping Your Proteins Available For Use
    High protein foods such as meat and eggs may not be as useful as you would like because they are normally cooked. There is a ton of information about proteins freely available online. Raw food ‘experts’ say that raw protein is the best because uncooked protein is of a higher quality. They suggest that cooking destroys upwards of 50% of the protein contained within food by denaturing the proteins.
    Other sources say that in order to digest protein it needs to be denatured to make amino acids bioavailable. It really is hard to wade through the information and misinformation and decide which is which.
    Try this on for size and practicality. Denaturing is going to happen anyway. In actual fact, it’s the viability of amino acids that you want to preserve . Certain cooking processes do destroy certain amino acids, particularly with high heat and burning (such as barbecues).
    So what do we do with this information?
    You do know one thing for sure, you do preserve more nutrients such as vitamins and enzymes when the temperatures are
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