Green Smoothie Magic - 132+ Delicious Green Smoothie Recipes That Trim And Slim

Green Smoothie Magic - 132+ Delicious Green Smoothie Recipes That Trim And Slim Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Green Smoothie Magic - 132+ Delicious Green Smoothie Recipes That Trim And Slim Read Online Free PDF
Author: Gabrielle Raiz
lower . My personal recommendation (without being dogmatic!) is to reduce the overall proportion of cooked food. Eat more raw food and make your way towards consuming eventually at least 80% raw food if you can help it! Green smoothies will shift the balance for you.
    The (Scientific And Practical) Skinny On Proteins
    Getting a little scientific here, it’s important to know that:
There are 20 amino acids that make up proteins
Nine (9) of these are called essential amino acids (certain others are essential in certain circumstances)
The body cannot manufacture essential amino acids so you need to find them in your diet
You need a diet that has the building blocks of your proteins across all your food choices and across your meals
You can find the right proportion of amino acids by eating well over time. It is a myth that you have to eat ‘complete proteins’ (proteins that have the essential amino acids in specific proportions) at EVERY meal. This is no longer considered critical. You DO need to eat well and ingest the building blocks over the course of a day or 2 or 3!
Varying your foods; fruit, vegetables and greens and choosing your foods wisely will give you plenty of protein, even if you never eat any animal flesh.
    If you’re looking to put on muscle bulk then exercise and a good wholesome diet are your friends! Some of the best building blocks are not surprisingly, going to be found within the pages of this book AND when you use sound judgment in your food choices. Movement towards a high proportion of uncooked, organic (if possible) plant-based foods is one of the best health decisions you will ever make for you and your family.

    How Much Of My Smoothie Should Be Green?
    Somewhere at some time somebody made an arbitrary comment. They decided that the definition of a green smoothie is 40% greens, 50% fruit and 10% fat. I have also read it should be 60% fruit, 40% green leafy vegetables. Nowhere ANYWHERE can I ever find whether this is by volume or mass. And it cannot account for the fact that fats are in greens and fruit. So do you add extra fat?
    For example certain green smoothie aficionados say 40% green leafy vegetables but then may only pop in 2 cups of leaves which weigh a small proportion of the smoothie. You’d have to put a HUGE volume of chickweed into a smoothie to reach that 40% and you’d need a much smaller amount if you were using, say, the heavier green, bok choy.
    Well, I don’t know about you, but that ‘definition’ is pretty unclear (and perhaps even a little misleading). Some greens are feather light. Others are dense.
    Optimize Your Greens
    Here’s why it is probably better to think about optimizing your greens intake. I can tell you quite definitively that when you make a green smoothie you are not going to be placing a cupful of fruit and then its weight in greens to go along with it. One cup of fruit can weigh hundreds of grams.
    For the purposes of testing the so-called formula for green smoothies (and to have a little fun) I did some experimenting of my own. I weighed the pineapple and papaya in my smoothie and it was about 500 grams. The leaves I put in (2 whole packed cups) weighed around 150 grams.

    In that smoothie, the percentage was about 77% fruit, 23% greens. If I had used bok choy it would have been in the vicinity of 350-400 grams. So the proportions of fruit would be 55-59% and the greens would be 45-41%. (That’s closer.)
    In another smoothie, fruit weighing 340g along with 2 cups of chickweed at 120g makes the proportion of fruits very high at 74% fruit with only 26% greens.
    The bottom line is this: The proportion is going to depend on your ingredients. Pure and simple.
    In my opinion, it strains credibility to claim definitive proportions. A heavy fruit will shift the balance away from the 40% of greens. The salad type leaves are very light in mass. So instead I have consistently added at least 2 (well-packed) cups of greens to every smoothie.
    Let’s just put
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