Flirting With Chaos

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Book: Flirting With Chaos Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kenya Wright
mumbled in between bites.
    “You both are pretty comfortable with each other,” Kaden said. “I had no idea.”
    “Rain is my homie.” Jude chuckled. “My home slice. My deuce dog. Down shorty.”
    “Please stop.” I scooped up a couple of mushrooms.
    “My partner in crime. Rider for life. Sister from another mister. Dog pound mate from the kennel in the sky.”
    “Oh God.” I rolled my eyes. “He’s determined to bring back old slang.”
    “And is he just going to go on and on like this?” Kaden finished his steak.
    “Pretty much.” I smirked. “He’ll do it as long as it annoys me. I haven’t mastered the technique of ignoring him yet. It’s pretty hard.”
    “Especially with his hands all over you.” He watched Jude caress me some more.
    I didn’t respond to Kaden’s comment. Jude’s touching me was never a big deal. We touched each other with the familiarity of people who’d known each other for all of their lives, because frankly we had. I couldn’t think of a moment in my life where Jude didn’t exist. Every significant situation I’d experienced, Jude had stood there by my side to support or comfort me, enjoy it or suffer through it with me.
    He’d taught me how to ride my bike; he had learned years before me. He’d encouraged me to paint, and when I had done oil scenes or watercolors, he’d lied and said it didn’t suck. Even when my period had first come, he’d ridden with me to the store to buy bags of sanitary napkins and tampons. I’d been too uncomfortable to ask Mom or Dad about what to do. They had remained busy arguing, having make-up sex, and arguing again. Instead, Jude had gone online and yelled out instructions from outside the bathroom as I’d stood inside putting tampons in the wrong place and leaving the plastic on. It must’ve been an hour before we’d gotten it right.
    “You both are pretty touchy.” Kaden poured himself a glass of wine.
    Jude sighed. “Here we go.”
    “What?” I finished the rest of the food on the plate. Jude had only left a couple of mushrooms.
    “Every now and again when Dad is sober, he gets in the mood to father me,” Jude whispered in my ear. “Don’t worry, by the end of the night, he’ll be back to the Kaden Everett we all know and detest.”
    I laughed.
    “I heard that.” Kaden displayed his middle finger at Jude.
    “That explains why he was doing the whole concerned father act before you walked in. He just called me desperate.” I mock pouted. “Do you think I’m desperate for wanting you to take my virginity?”
    “Hell no. I feel honored.” Jude placed his hand over his heart. “And if I’m awarded the duty, I shall serve you and my country to my last living breath.”
    I laid my head on the table. “Maybe I am desperate.”
    “I told you,” Kaden said. “And I’m serious. You both look like a little couple over there.”
    “It’s just friendly touching, Dad. Don’t rush out to call a wedding planner.” Jude patted my leg. I rose and he left his seat. “And why does Rain have to be desperate if she wants me to make love to her? You of all people know how much I care about her.”
    “Yeah, but you can’t be the man she deserves.”
    Jude’s face creased in annoyance.
    Kaden leaned back in his chair, as if daring Jude to say anything else. The kitchen turned quiet for a few awkward seconds.
    “So, Kaden, you’re really a great cook,” I said, trying to break away the silence.
    “I’m not the man she deserves?” Jude took my glass of wine.
    “Maybe I should reword that.” He brushed his fingers through his hair.
    “Maybe you should,” Jude countered.
    “You both need some sort of clear line.” He pointed at Jude and then me. “You told me you were just friends. Next thing I see is condoms and fondling.”
    “Stop it. Let’s not do the daddy thing tonight. The whole ‘I’m your buddy one hour and I’m your dad the next’ spins me around in circles and gives me a headache.” Jude
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